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Before this book starts yes this is like 13 reasons why but there are lots of twists in it so I hope you all like it

Hope you like the trailer, see you in November

Much love


Zayn was a happy lad as he grew up but as soon as he hit high school everything changed people bullied him and he turned dark. Then after 4 years of putting up with everything he decided he had enough and killed himself leaving everyone confused why he did it and close ones near him were struggling a lot especially a certain lad who had been friends with Zayn since they were little babies.

That certain lad was Niall Horan

After Zayn died, Niall locked himself in his bathroom for two days which Liam (Zayn's best friend and Niall's boyfriend) tried to get him out everyday because Niall's mum and dad had to work a lot so they didn't really know what was happening until when Niall was out so his mother took him to the doctor and they gave him a lot of medication but Niall only told Liam he was on one medication.

It had been a week since Zayn had killed himself and let's just say Niall was not doing well at all. Liam,Louis and Harry have all been trying to help him get through this tough patch but what happens when an envelope turns up on Niall's door step with Zayn's writing on it

Will Niall find out why Zayn did it?

How will Niall cope?

Would it put a stop to Liam and Niall's relationship?

Carry on reading and you'll find out

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