Part 04.3

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I didn't know I'd be put into leader duties immediately. I might've thought that this was just him getting back on me for the whole date thing, but I knew better than to question him. While Trey was still generally, well, Trey, he was leader now too and he had other more important priorities than the second thing Sean wanted to talk about. Not that I think the little sunshine-bearer will actually talk to me, but orders are orders.

Plus, I am still a newbie, so opposing the Head Leader, even if he was my best friend, isn't getting me street creds.

"Tommy!" Kytes runs up to me—surprisingly, without Nina. He's little pet thing though was running beside him. "I was hoping I'd find you. I have a job for you, we're trying to make the train look abandoned so some of us are piling twigs and junk on top of the carriages. I'm in charge of growing vines and old roots over them. I thought you'd like a chance to help—it's better than sitting around, right? You'll be a big help, since your room was always messy before he headed down."

"Ha-Ha, not as much as yours." I scoffed. "I'll join you guys in a bit, okay? Trey asked me to have a talk with Sean. So I'm going to get that over with first."

"Get it over with?" Kytes repeated, laughing. "you don't think much of him, do you?"

I shrugged. "But if he decides to stay, I'll bet he'll grow on me eventually... Like a bad rash."

"Well, if he decides to stay, he'll probably become more and more like one of us," Kytes notes. "and less like an outsider. I think we'll all more or less come to accept him. Even Bryce will."

I snorted. "Yeah, and pigs will fly." I joked, then realize that it could be a possible. "Do they..."

"Yes, we've seen a few. They make good bacon." Kytes said, and he didn't seem to be joking.

I wondered if I'll get a chance to cook them. "Well, I'll be back soon as I'm done to help out."

"Great, see you, bro."

I leave him and went to the room I know Cody was blocking stuff in. Because the kid's the last person I saw that was with him. And apparently, he was still with him along with an extra person.

"Now, those need to be stored in one of the—oh, hello Thomas." Rhys looked up from where he's explaining what goes where to Cody. "was there something you wanted?"

I smiled. "No, keep working." Sean is sitting in the corner of the room, watching the going-ons with apparent interest. "Hey Chuckles," I said, catching his eye. "there was something Trey wanted me to ask you. Care to chat where we won't be in the way of things?"

Sean surprises me by actually smiling at the name I gave him.

"All right." He agrees, rising up, placing a hand on Cody's head as he brushed past him. They share a warm look, and I'm stupefied once more. He went toward me and we stepped out of the cart. "what was it you wanted to see me about, Thomas?" Sean asked in a polite tone. POLITE.

I realize that I'm seeing the deferential Sean that had diligently served as the central core of the machine without complaint. It feels odd. Very contrasting to the rude brat I dragged across the surface. I feel a brief surge of appreciation—he's now trying to understand a confusing new world under extreme pressure. It's the first time I've been able to talk to him and feel something other than irritation.

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