Purple Eyes

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A blood curdling scream suddenly echoed the parking lot. Katsuki's heart drop at the familiar voice, his breathing stopped as he followed it's direction and sees the hooded villain hovering over Deku who was hunched over the asphalt like a shivering kid.

"Deku-kun!", "Deku-chan!", "Deku!", Uravity, Froppy, and Red Riot exclaimed in fear.

"DEKKKUUUUUU!", Katsuki blasted off towards the villaim, his anger boiling up as he directed a zero distance explosion to his direction.

The explosion was massive, heat and debri raining down the lot, but not big enough to hurt the still hunched Deku.

The villain evaded the move, going back to the center of the lot, his hood burnt at the side, showing the dark short hair and purple eyes. He had a crazed up smile, mumbling over and over, the words, 'su

Katsuki kneeled down in front of eerily quiet Deku, hesitating to even shake him. His mind flooded images of a bleeding Deku, a pale faced dead Deku, his screams echoing again again in his head. Deku is alright. Deku is alright. Please let him be fucking alright.

"Ground Zero, is Deku alright?" Katsuki heard Kirishima shout, who ran to the villain's direction, his body hardened by his quirk.

"Fuck Kirishima, I don't know!!" Katsuki cursed as he bows his head to look at Deku's face.

Shit. Kirishima thought as he heard the angry yet nervous voice of Katsuki. To the point the great Bakugou would forget work ethics especially their hero names made the whole situation far worse. Kirishima gave a jab to the villain's face but evaded. After a set of fast punches, kicks and hurdles, the villain skillfully evaded each, never stopping his cackles.

"Uravity! Froppy! Need assistance!", Kirishima still has his sight to the villain.

"Roger!", Said the two heroes in unison and dashed to Kirishima's aid.

Kirishima took a right swing and head it to the villain. He evaded by pulling himself back but was met with a car falling over him, dead on. Kirishima was pulled back away from the impact with Froppy's tongue and was side by side by both her and Uravity, having just released the car's gravity. They sighed in relief as the situation has finally ended.

They were on they're way to Katsuki and Deku to call the ambulance and police when suddenly the car on top of the supposed knocked out villian flew to the air and landed on the asphalt with a crash.

It wasn't over. Uravity and Froppy in fighting positions, coming up with a plan. Kirishima just gritted his teeth as response, thinking how the hell one villian could make 5 heroes be in a pickle like this.

Kirishima glanced a look at a kneeling Katsuki and a now conscious Deku. He was looking pale and freaked out but no damage so he had to be relieved. Kirishima can't help but be confused on why Deku had screamed like that. He shook his head, not having the time to worry, they have to make this quick as possible and they could need a power hero right about now.

He looked back at Katsuki with desperation in his eyes which was a very bad decision as he glanced back to see the villain face hovering over him. His erratic villianous smile, his cracked lips almost brushing to Kirishima's, that made Kirishima's stomach churn in shock and disgust. The villain' eyes suddenly flowed purple and met his. It was like there was a magnetic pull on him to the glowing eyes and he couldn't break from it. He couldn t move a muscle, he couldn't see and hear anything but the glowing eyes and the sinister laughter that echoed in his mind.

After what felt like centuries, the villain's laughter finally stopped, and whispered ever so quietly,

"Meirei Aruto, commands you....sleep."

Kirishima felt his consciousness suddenly slip and the last thing he saw was the purple glowing eyes staring right at him and a voice screaming his name.

"Shit for brains!"


Shit. I have to-

And then it was black.

Okay, which anime did I get inspiration from? Hahaha! Meirei means command, Aruto is just a fun name I made...

Aruto = R2 and then know you what it means if you've seen the show. I just freaking love it and I remembered it would be called a quirk in the bnha universe. Hahaha! Overpowered am I right?

A slight kiribaku if you really look into it...wanted to make a slight scene for them but I took it off since I'll be making a different story for them...

Hope you like it guys!

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