Katsuki Bakugou POV: Before I go

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Tatsuki_Bakugou this is for you, my dear! Thank you again for the views and comments and your ideas! I hope this chapter is of your satisfaction!

Katsuki Bakugou's pov before he....please read the previous chapters to know...and to understand the scenes since I skipped some parts



"Hmm?" Katsuki looks down to his chest and sees Izuku's bright green eyes stare at him. He hugs him closer to his face and felt a smile pop when he sees Izuku is okay. He's not crying anymore. He's not screaming All Might's name anymore.

"Kacchan, don't leave me..." Izuku pleaded. His hands gripping his shirt tighter than before. "Don't leave me alone..."

"Don't kill me off that easily, nerd."

"Just promise me, Kacchan... Katsuki, stay by my side..."

Katsuki smile drops. He puts a hand on Izuku's soft curls and ruffled his hair gently. He sees Izuku slowly smile from the touch.

"Okay, okay....I promise...Izuku."


"Kill me... Izuku..."

Katsuki felt another wave of murderous intent inside of him and it took all he could to launch another series of explosions...to himself.

Boom. Boom. BOOM!

Blood splattered on concrete around Katsuki, the smell of charred flesh ringed in the air but Katsuki couldn't scream his heart out from the pain. His own body won't let him cope up with the  pain he induced to himself. He only shuts his mouth and bites his inner cheeks until it bled.

I can't let this quirk use me! I can't kill him! Izuku is--

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