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Meire Aruto sat beside an unconscious Kirishima at the sidelines giggling with happiness as he sees Midoriya Izuku's look of despair. Ahhh~ this is so GOOOOOD!~

As the first explosion went up, fire and debri flew in every direction. Aruto felt himself pushed back by the force and fell on his back. Sheesh! That boy is too overpowered!

Smoke covered​ the area and he can't see shit, no Ground Zero or Deku in sight. He hears another explosion on the side, more powerful than the first one that he almost was blown away.  Did he kill him yet?

Distant sirens are getting closer, Aruto clicks his tongue in impatience.

I want to get out of here but I also want to see Ground Zero's look on his face when he's done. Such a dilemma.

He stands up and slowly go in to the smoke cloud. He hears another explosion and a scream. Hero Deku's scream. Yes!! Aruto dashed to the scream's direction.

He was met with a prone figure, lying on the asphalt. That green hair, singed on the sides, hero costume burned to ash mixing black with his red blood.

Such a marvelous sight. He walks towards the fallen hero with crazed up smile of excitement. I wonder what was his last expression as he died? Oh, that would be such a good face! Aruto moves Deku's slump figure to his back expecting a dead burned up face but was met with green angry eyes. Alive.

"I knew you would check up your own work." Deku smiled .

Shit! Aruto moves back but Deku had his grip on his wrist. Deku pinned Aruto down on the ground with swift motion, the villain's face flat on the concrete. He felt the hero pull on his hair aggressively and slammed his face to the ground.

Aruto squirmed from the pain, wincing as he felt his nose broken and blood dripping. Yet Aruto still chuckled with delight. "Hahaha, this is the next symbol of peace?" He grinned to the hero but was met with a fist to his face making him scream.

"Tell me, how to stop it?" Deku screamed on his ear.

"And why would I tell you that?~"

Deku twisted the villain's shoulder as a threat. Aruto face twisted by the pain.

"Tell me how to stop Kacchan!!"

Aruto smiled wickedly. "Oh, that face." He mockingly said."I told you already, oh dear hero. Even if you break me apart, even I can't stop your explosion boy. It's either he'll stop it himself, or...."

He took delight to see the hero's face turn pale as the hero slowly realized what he meant.


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