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Sam: You and Sam met when you were 19. You were going to the local community college to take culinary classes and your parents had bought you a small house. Sam lived with his grandfather. When the two of you got engaged, Sam moved in with you and after you finished school, you started working part time in a restaurant in Seattle.

Jared: You didn't want to leave Jared or your mom, who needed you with all her drug problems, so you didn't go to college. You lived with your mom for a few years after high school, working at the movie theater in Port Angeles. When you were 21, your mom died and left you the house so Jared moved in.

Paul: You decided to go to college at the University of Washington. It made you sad to stay in La Push after your mother's death. It killed Paul to hug you goodbye but he didn't let you know how much it hurt, he was glad you were going to college. You deserved it. Over the course of those four years, you managed to talk everyday, see each other a weekend a month and on holidays and summer vacations. Thankfully, when you graduated, you came back to La Push and started working as a chemistry teacher at the high school. Eventually you saved enough money for a house with you and Paul.

Embry: You and Embry went to separate schools, (you went to Forks he went to La Push). You lived on the outskirts of town in a trailer by a rundown car garage. The owner, Robin, slept on the couch in his office; you two were good friends. Embry still managed to see you everyday. Embry moved in with you after graduation, but other than that not much changed. You continued to work at a diner and raise your sister.

Jacob: You and Jacob went to separate schools as well. You in Forks and Jacob in La Push. Jacob graduated a year earlier than you. You wanted to go to college and Jacob was fine with that, thinking you'd go to the University of Washington. But you wanted to go to Dartmouth. A piece of Jacob broke as he drove you to the airport. It was a long four years. You FaceTimed everyday and you came to visit as much as possible, on holidays and summer vacations. When you were home, you wouldn't leave each other's sides. After college, you came back to Forks and your grandparents built you and Jacob a small cottage in the woods. You spent most of your time studying and gathering various degrees.

Quil: You and Quil went to different schools too. Quil went to La Push and you lived in the Makah Reservation. You were able to see each other everyday, though. Quil graduated a year before you. After you finished high school, you moved in with Quil, his mom, and grandpa. You started working at a grocery store and, with the help of Quil's grandfather, you and Quil got a house together.

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