Eijiro Kirishima x Reader

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(Author's note: Shout out to BerryAmber! She helped me with picking the love interest!

Anyway, this idea came to me right when I heard this song. It reminded me of when I had a massive crush on my boyfriend, and my old roommate was trying to help "speed things" up. I made sure she knew that if she did that again I would hunt her down.  Anyways, enjoy!)

"Hey (f/n)!" Kirishima greeted.

"Hey Kirishima! Right on time too! Come in," you told him as he walked inside.

"Welcome to half of my place," you told him as you showed him around.

"Half?" he asked.

"I'm living here with a roommate. It's cheaper for the both of us," you explained.


You were about to have midterms, and Kirishima was begging for someone to tutor him. You already had plans to study by yourself, since you were ranked one of the highest in academics. You were already writing stuff in your planner until someone walked up to your desk.

"Hey (f/n), can I ask you something?" he asked as he seemed a bit flustered.

"Sure, go ahead," you told him.

"If you're not busy or anything, could you tutor me for midterms? You're one of the smartest people I know, and you're literally the only one that could help me," he asked as he bowed to you as he hid his blush that you didn't see.

"Yeah I don't mind. I'm free tomorrow at 4:00, don't be late," you told him with a small smile.

"Thank you (f/n)! I can't thank you enough!" he said as he flashed his toothy smile

~End of Flashback~

"Take a seat, I just finished playing (your favorite video game)," you told him as you put the gaming controllers away.

"You play video games?! Wow, you're one of the coolest girls I know!" he told you as you smiled.

"Aw it's nothing. I loved playing video games ever since I was little, although some people thought it was weird for girls to like video games," you told him.

"Man I hate it when people say things like that. Guy and girls can like the same things, especially video games," he said as you smiled.

"I'm glad you think that way. Anyway, let's start studying," you said to him as you pulled out your notebooks and textbook.

"Hey (f/n), hey Kirishima. Don't mind me, I'll be taking a nap in my room," Mina, your roommate, said as she walked into her room.

As you guys studied, you thought you heard a sound, but weren't too sure if it was in your head.

You thought you heard the tune of the Titanic, with some muffling as well.

"Is something wrong, (f/n)?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm paying attention. You're doing really well on solving the problems," you told him.

You then started moving on to the next subject, as he started to make progress when you let him work on the practice problems you created.

Minutes passed, and then you started hearing another song. This time you kind of made out the words.

'Don't got a lot to say...something about her...iss the girl'

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