Shouto Todoroki x Reader

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Told You So

(Author's Note: So (f/n) is your first name, (l/n) is your last name. Also I decided to give a name to your best friend because it can be confusing on who I'm referring to. Anyways, enjoy! Todoroki is definitely one of my favorite characters. I know there's a confusion with his name being Shouto or Shoto, but I'll leave it up to you guys)

"I'm sorry, I'm busy today. How about tomorrow? I'm not really doing anything" you said wishing you could have said yes.

"Are you sure you can't make time for today?" Todoroki asked, hoping to get a yes out of you.

"I don't know, it could take awhile, but if I do have enough time, I'll text you. I promise," you said with a soft smile.

Normally, you would have accepted Shouto's offer, especially since he was your crush. But the only reason you said no was that your best friend who moved to Italy due to his family getting a promotion at work, was in town visiting for the week. You hardly ever saw him, and when he told you he would be in town, you planned to meet up with him before he travelled again. That was definitely something you did not want to miss.

"Okay, I'll hold you to that promise," Todoroki said as he gave you a tiny smile.

"You can count on it! Oh no, I'll be late at this pace! I'll see you soon!" you replied while waving at him as you ran to your next destination.

As you were out of sight, Todoroki felt a bit down, hoping that he could spend time with you.

"What's the matter Todoroki?" Izuku asked as he walked up to him.

"I asked (f/n) to hang out with me, but she said she was busy. She's been busy this whole week. I haven't had a chance to talk to her since she's been leaving as soon as classes are done," Todoroki told him.

"Oh, that's weird, usually she always wants to hang out with you," Izuku pointed out.

"Yeah, I know. I wonder if she's really busy, or avoiding me?" Shouto said dejected.

"I don't think so, I'm sure she's just busy, and things will be normal again," Izuku told him, trying to cheer him up.

"I hope so," Shouto said as he began to head out from school.


You ran to the harbor, as you looked everywhere for your best friend.

"Where is he?" you asked no one in particular as you kept checking.


"Katsumi!!!" you yelled out as you both ran up to give each other a tight hug.

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