Important Author's Note

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Hi guys, I know on my last note, I said I would be more active. But many things have happened

 to me. College is a lot to deal with at the moment. I have many assignments and projects I'm

 trying to work on, and it makes me sad that I was not able to release the oneshots and special I 

promised you all. It has been so much to where I feel classes can be overwhelming, and lately I 

have been much more sad than usual to where I cry every now and then. Even now as I type this,

 I am in tears. My life has been complicated for the past few months. Long story short, I am 

making my case on why I should be in a certain program, and if I don't get in it, I would have to 

do a whole different career change for me along with feeling like I was not good enough. It is

important to me that I'm maintaining grades, and hope the people I'm presenting to 

understand how much this program means to me and if I'm accepted. I have no idea how

things will happen by the time I present next month, but I have been anxious and sad this whole

month. Again, I  apologize for making you all wait. Whenever I check my updates, it makes me 

happy that the people who read my writings like and enjoy it. Even when I cry, checking on here 

and seeing comments, favorites, etc. makes my day. I am truly grateful you appreciate my

writings, and it helps me get on with my day. I will release the oneshots and specials as

promised sometime next week. I hope you understand, and you all have a wonderful day, and 

night x

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