Chapter 1

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I can't believe it. They actually went through with it, they actually sent me to England to live with my cousin whom I had not seen for years. Apparently Alfie is quite well-known in the YouTube area but I've never really cared too much to look into it.

The last time I saw Alfie we didn't really end on a very good note, that was 2 years ago. He used to be more like a brother to me rather than a cousin so us arguing didn't really phase me except that normally we would be able to sort it out.

He was staying with us in California for a couple of days but he went back to England the next day, meaning we never got to sort anything out. I haven't seen him since so you'd understand why I'm shitting balls about not only seeing him, but living with him for god knows how long. I'm assuming he knows why I am being sent there so that probably won't help us either.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, we are now landing at Heathrow Airport so if you could please fasten your seltbelts that would be greatly appreciated. We hope you enjoyed your flight." A womens voice sounded over the speakers so I did what I was told and braced for our landing.


After finally landing and grabbing all of my luggage I made my way out into the waiting area to see if I could spot Alfie. No such luck.

"Viola?" A light girly voice spoke and tapped me on the shoulder. I had no idea who she was but she was pretty to say the least.

"Uh yes?" I say, obviously confused as to who she is and why she knows my name.

"Hi I'm Zoe, Alfie's girlfriend. Alfie asked me if I could come in and find you, he was just trying to find a spot to park." I guess that answered my question.

"Oh. Okay." I follow the petite girl outside to where there are cars everywhere. Zoe seems to spot Alfie's car and we make our way to it, pulling my bags along with us. I saw a figure leaning against the car and soon realised that it's Alfie. Nerves started kicking in, what if he hates me after what went down last time we saw each other.

My thoughts are proved wrong as he seemingly yells my name and runs up to me pulling me into a big bear hug. What?

"Alfie! Put me down," I laugh as he puts me back onto the ground.

"Shit you've grown, where's that 15 year old girl who was barely even a foot tall?" He jokes making me roll my eyes with a small smile. "It's been too long Vi."

"Yeah it really has, I missed you Alf. Not to sound rude though but it's fucking freezing and we're standing out in the cold when we could be seated in a perfectly warm car right now." I state and that seems to bring Alfie and Zoe into realisation and they laugh leading me to his car.

We fall into a nice conversation which surprises me to say the least. I guess this is why Alfie and I were so close, he never held grudges, thank fuck. He asks me about school but there's not a lot of positive stuff I can say really.

"It's okay, I guess." I reply simply.

"Your mum told me there's been a lot of trouble lately, that's why you're here yeah? Annoyin' the old parents too much Vi?" He says teasingly, making me half laugh realising that it's actually true. I drove my parents to the point they couldn't stand being around me anymore. Not a good thought.

"Shut up Alfie, it sucks there you know? Nobody really understands me after, you know." I say, not saying too much as I don't really feel like a sob fest at the moment.

"I know I know, but you're here now and we're going to make this the best year possible for you." Wait what?

"Year? I'm here for a whole year?" I didn't think I'd be here that long, are they really that sick of me?

"Well, uh, yeah. Your mum said that you'll be living here until you turn 18 and then you can decide what to do from there." What the fuck?

"So they've pretty much disowned me, my own fucking parents have disowned me. I make a couple mistakes and they chuck me out. Fucking brilliant." I say, my voice raising more and more as I speak. We've now apparently arrived at the apartment as we've come to a stop. Zoe got out of the car, I guess not wanting to intrude on my personal stuff.

"Viola calm down please. They haven't disowned you and they'll most likely want you back soon enough, they'll miss you and I know how hard it was for them to send you away. Things are strained there, I don't know if you know but your parents have been contemplating a divorce for a while now and I guess they just need some space to work all of that out for themselves. Not all of this is your fault, I promise you. And anyway, you're back in England, you're going to have the best year of your life I promise." He smiles reassuringly and I half smile back. I had no idea, why didn't they tell me? Or maybe they did and I was too blind to even notice, or care?


"Come on Vi, I've got a couple of people I want you to meet." He says and that's when I realise that I'm still sitting in the car. He's got my suitcases sitting next to him so I jump out and together we bring my four bags inside. Yes, four bags, shut up.

We walk inside and I'm greeted by a largish living room area with a couple of couches and a big TV, but most importantly 3 faces. One of which I already know, Zoe. The other two are guys. Two very attractive guys might I add. They both look vaguely familiar but I can't seem to pick how.

"Vi, these are my friends Marcus and Joe. Joe is also Zoe's brother. Guys, this is my cousin Viola." Alfie introduces us and I was just expecting maybe a handshake or something but instead I am given two big hugs. "Marcus lives here with us and Joe comes and goes a lot."

I already feel welcome here and I can tell I'm going to enjoy it my life as a Brit again.




okay sorry I won't call you guys that again, it just sounded more dramatic that way

I hope you guys enjoyed it, next chapter should hopefully be up either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I feel.

Thanks guys, Nat x

(Btw Zoe and Alfie on the side, THE ADORABLENESS IS OVERWHELMING)

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