Chapter 2

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We all decided to stay in and watch movies tonight, all five of us. We ordered take out and put 'Finding Nemo' into the DVD player. As the night furthered on I could feel the nerves disappearing and I felt more and more at home. If I had've known it would feel this good to be back in England then I would've moved months ago. Although, it is still only the first night and I haven't started school yet, plus, a lot can happen in a year.


I don't think it's felt this calm in the apartment for months. Everything's been quite tense lately, everyone getting on everyone's nerves. Even Alfie and Zoe had been having troubles.

I think it was me who was the main cause for most of the tension, I haven't been the best person to be around these past months. Earlier when Alfie was introducing Marcus and I to Viola, he said that I come and go a lot, he actually meant that I either leave or they tell me to leave. Somehow though, I always seemed to find my way back and they always welcomed me back. I guess that's family for you, and I know Zoe could never kick me out for real even if I was being the biggest pain in the ass.

But anyway, I think we were into our third movie. It was some horror that I wasn't really paying attention to, mostly because of the fact that every time something scary happened Viola always jumped into my arms. I don't think she noticed it though, force of habit I guess. Not that I minded at all though. She was actually quite pretty. I knew I could never go there though, not with Alfie being her cousin after all. I sighed subconsciously and zoned back to the movie.

We were sat on two couches, Marcus, Viola and I on one couch and Zalfie on the other. It was a nice feeling, for everyone to be enjoying themselves without the constant bickering.

One thing that happened every time I left the apartment though was that my videos became less and less frequent. I knew I couldn't just pretend everything was okay in front of the camera, I'm not good at hiding my emotions and I never have been. When I'm angry, people know. When I'm sad or upset, people know. It's just who I am.

I have sent out tweets though, apologising to the fans who have been waiting on my videos. I felt bad for them I'm not going to lie but I guess I just needed a break. I really do want to start them up again soon, but not until things here are stable and I can rely on the fact that I can come back here.

I was forced out of my thoughts as someone spoke. "What are you thinking about Joe?"

It was my sister.

"Just the past couple of months, how I've been a complete jerk to you all. The worst thing is, I don't even know why. It's like one day I woke up and for some reason I hated everything and everyone. Not literally of course, I could never hate you guys. Not one of you." I said quietly but loud enough so Zoe could hear me over the movie. It was then I realised that Vi and Alfie were both asleep, and Marcus must of left the room earlier or something.

"Joe," Zoe started, "please don't blame this all on yourself. We've all been shitty lately, we all played a part. I hope you know I could never hate you either, you're my brother for Christ's sakes, of course we're going to get on each others nerves once in a while. And Marcus and Alfie could never hate you either, we're all family." She smiled warmingly. I guess this is why Zoe and I were so close, we understood each other.

I smiled back and lent back into the couch accidentally waking Viola up in the process.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said to the yawning girl, who right now looked absolutely adorable in her pyjamas and messy hair. Wait no, Joe you can't call her adorable or pretty or anything like that. She's just Viola, Alfie's cousin, the girl you met today.

The one who stopped your breath the moment she walked through the door.


Short chapter omf sorry guys, I was watching episodes of SYTYCD all night and I completely forgot to update so I'm doing that now.

Was just thinking up ship names, maybe #Jiola or something? Idk man idk

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.

Nat x

Bubble Wrap Boy (Joe Sugg) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now