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Madeline started blankly at the two boys, taking in deep breathes as she felt her face getting hot.

"And I'm done here." She announced, speed walking towards the escalator, making it before Zach or one of the other boys could stop her.

Jack snickered, leaning against a cardboard stand as his eyes darted towards Zach and the escalator multiple times.

"Isn't the point of a relationship always being there for one another?" Jack pointed towards the escaltor. Zach huffed.

"Says the one without a girlfriend." Zach mumbled, brushing his shoulder past Jack's as he walked off.

"Madeline isn't even a struggle." Jack pointed out, following behind the fuming sixteen year old boy.

"But you're not dating her." Zach lashed back, walking a little faster. Jack rolled his brown eyes, slightky smirking.

"I sense jealously." He nudged Zach.

"Me? J-Jealous?" Zach rose a brow at Jack, and Jack simply nodded.

"Dude, you're as red as a tomato."

Zach grabbed his hoodie, and tossed it over his head. Mumbling a few words, he walked away from Jack.

"My job here is complete." Jack grinned at the boys as he walked back.

The boys were all red from the face- their laughter getting the best of them as the remembered how their friend practically was fuming out clouds of smoke.

"Whatever." Zach mumbled, walking towards the escalator and stepping on it, heaving out a long sigh as the escalator slowly made it's way down.

"Babe?" He called out as his feet hit the floor. "Maddie?"

Obviously, Madeline had left the store, as she had told Zach. He groaned and facepalmed, thinking of how stupid he had been to not go after her faster.

He walked out of the store, his black boots making a clicking sound as he walked on the tiles of the floor.

The fresh L.A air hit him in the face, and he shook his head, sighing when he saw Madeline on the street, her phone pressed against her ear.

Zach quickly walked towards her, and he snatched the phone from her hands.

"Hi babe." He greeted her with a cheeky smile, and Madeline simply rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Not now, Zachary." Zach frowned at the use of his full name.

"Madeline, the boys are coming down." He told her.

"Zach, a lot of this could've been avoided. Especially the bitter part with my mother."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, his eyes trailing towards the floor. "I'm really sorry."

"Alright." Madeline clasped her hands togther. "You are really lucky that I love you a lot."

Zach felt his face widen with a large smile, and he hugged Madeline as she sighed into his chest.

"Please don't be stupid ever again- wait, nevermind, you can't help it."

Zach playfully glared at Madeline, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Can't promise anything."

Well, you all deserve an explanation to why I haven't been updating.

School and stress.

Those two categories fall into the same probelm.

The reason is school.

Not even one week in and we had to write essays.

How fun.

Now, I'm six weeks in.

It's getting rough.

I'm so sorry guys, I'll try my best to keep this book relevant in my schedule.


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