One of These Nights

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  Lindsey is checking the thermostat in the fourth floor nurses station for second time today. In his two years working maintenance at Stanford university hospital he's found this particular area to run hot. And the nurses that work up here have no problem letting him know about it.

  The fourth floor is the geriatrics ward so Lindsey would think if any place in the hospital, this would be a good place for things to be on the warm side. The head nurse on this floor Bette Packer frequently reminds Lindsey this is not the case. Bette Packer is a fifty five year old African American lady considerable in size and demeanor.  She is also firmly in menopause and no fan of the higher than normal temps that plague the fourth floor. Lindsey is very fond of Bette and does what he can to please her. As he finishes putting a new thermostat on the wall, Nurse Packer says to him from her chair behind the nurses station.

  "Lindsey I sure do hope you fix thermostats as well as you play guitar, I'm dying up here!"

  Lindsey laughs and flips the temp to sixty seven degrees hoping this will cool the area down quickly. He turns to Bette and says

  "That should take care of it, I'll hang out with you for a bit and make sure it works this time."

  In no time the cool air starts coming out of the vents. Lindsey knows all will be right in Nurse Packers part of the hospital now.

  Bette opens the small frigerator under the desk and grabs a cab of coke from it. She hands it to Lindsey and says

  "Here you go dear, I know it's your favorite."

  "Thank you for taking care of an old woman who's dying of the heat!"

  Lindsey shakes his head and takes a drink of his soda. Bette Packer is his favorite person that works here. Her brash tell it like it is personality is a complete opposite of his quiet reserved one. He hasn't gotten to know many people here yet but Bette wouldn't let him keep to himself around her. He takes another drink and says to her

  "I better get going, I've a broken cabinet door in the doctors lounge to fix."

  Bette shakes her finger at Lindsey and says

  "No no no Mr Buckingham I've got a new nurse in training coming up here in ten minutes I want you to meet."

  "She's assigned to my floor for the week and I'll tell you right now she's quite the looker!"

  Lindsey sighs. Bette is always trying to fix him up with someone here at the hospital. Bette has been married to her husband John for thirty five years and they have six children along with several grandchildren. She firmly believes there is someone for everyone. Last month it was the secretary Darla in the accounting office. Before that it was Janet one of the cooks in the kitchen. They both are very attractive but Lindsey is still reeling from his last relationship. It ended very badly and he isn't sure if he's ready to try dating again.

  Bette pokes Lindsey in the shoulder and says

  "I know what your thinking Lindsey but I think your a fine young man and I won't stop trying to fix you up so don't even say it!"

  Lindsey grins and waves his hands replying

  "Okay okay I'll stick around for a bit."

  Satisfied Bette and Lindsey converse for a few minutes while he finishes his soda. After he's done he takes the empty can and puts it in the trash can across the hallway designated for recycling. Nurse Packer cashes the cans in once a month and buys items to supply the recreation room for her residents. As Lindsey starts to walk back over to the nursing station, the nearby elevator doors open and a couple women walk out. The first one is familiar to Lindsey, she's Lana a mid forties brunette nurse that works this unit. The other woman absolutely takes his breathe away. She's short, has dirty blonde hair that is braided and tied up on top of her head. She is wearing a white nurses dress that is unbuttoned the top two spots and hangs down to just above her knees. Lindsey can see her bronze skin of her prefect legs down to her feet where she has on simple white shoes with no socks. She has beautiful big brown eyes and a gorgeous smile that she flashes at him as she walks by. As he feels his pulse quicken, he knows this is the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on.

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