Serpentine Reader X Jestro

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Sooo this was requested
I got an idea
And i guess ill write this before I forget lmao
Soo anyway this story has phase 1 Jestro (red and blue one) since I've probably made way too many electric ones lmao
Anyways,try to enjoy this.
Also,two of my OC thingies are in this,and (C/O/C) means color of choice.
Yes I know it sounds weird but d e al with it
The book's monsters were way too weak.They always got defeated and they barely did anything.That nightmare girl was probably the only one thatvdid anything.Well,for the first encounter with the knights.But even than she failed when Aaron flew in with his fearless thoughts.Jestro was running out of ideas,when yet another worrying thought filled his head.The knights had the book that Monstrox needed.He didn't know how he was going to get it back before the book's pages turn gray.
But Jestro wasn't the only one thinking about that.Monstrox has ben trying to think of a solution as well.For years he had ben planning on taking over the world,but when he finally got freed from Merlok's grasp,his pages became blank.Nothing was on his mind and he could barely think of anything.

The monster carried him around,while the jester tapped his foot on the ground,holding his head.He looked at the book before squinting his eyes at him.Monstrox looked at him in confusion.''What are you lookin' at,joke boy?''.
''What's that sticking out of your cover on the top?'' The jester asked,pointing at him.Monstrox motioned the monster to pull the note like piece of paper out.Jestro walked up to him and snatched the note out of the monster's hands.
''.:Assassian required?:.
''.:Pay us a visit:.
''.:Location:Nexo forest:.''
Jestro read it out loud.The book's eyes widened.''I must have caught that on accident when we got blown out of the castle.'' He said.Jestro put his hand on his chin,thinking about the whole thing.''Should we visit them?''he asked the book.
''We don't even know who made that note,it might even be a prank or something,'' the book replied.
''Actually,it says right here- 'Lurk Organization' ''.
''If it was in Merlok's library,than it must be important.And dangerous,'' the jester added,looking at Monstrox with an evil grin.''You're right,'' he replied, ''I guess you've finally started using your brain!''.The jester rolled his eyes,putting the note in his pocket.''Let's just go before mold forms on your dusty pages.''
''My pages are not dusty!''
''Yeah,sure,tell that to my sneeze outbreaks.''
They arrived at the forest,looking around for any type of clue.''Are we even at the right place?'' The book asked unpatiently.''It says right here,Nexo forest!Just keep looking,'' Jestro replied.
After a while,they heard a voice call out to them.''Excuse me?'' A male voice asked.They both turned into the direction of the voice.They saw a blonde male with slick back hair wearing a dark suit.It was hard to see him though,since he was standing in a dark corner of the forest area.''Do you wish to meet with Lurk?'' He asked in a husky voice.Jestro and Monstrox looked at eachother,before turning back to the male.''Uh,y-yeah,we got a note saying you're here,'' the jester replied.The male nodded,''Very well,'' and motioned for them to follow him.The three men walked into the dark,soon reaching a metal door.The mysterious male pulled out a card and slid in on the lock,unlocking the door.He opened it,stepping aside and holding it like some sort of a gentleman.As they passed him,Jestro looked at his piercing blue eyes,sending shivers down his spine.The male smiled at him and closed the door.The jester followed him in confusion.Everything was painted in black with golden tablets here and there with some sort of a name written on them.Hell,this did look like an organization.They finally arrived in an open space,just as dark as the hallways.There was a red chair and a desk.Someone was sitting there,smoking a cigarette.It was so dark,the only thing you could see was their glasses and a glimpse of their hair.It appeared to be a female with her hands clasped together and resting on the desk.The male that had lead Jestro and Monstrox into here,showed them to the chairs in front of the woman and motioned for them to sit down.
The did as instructed,looking at the woman nervously.She let snoke escape from her mouth,as she set her cigarette down into the holder and adjusted her glasses.''How may I help you?'' She asked.''U-uh..'' Jestro began.
The woman patiently waited for him to speak up.''W-we heard you offer help,'' Jestro said.''That is correct.We offer spies,assassians,information collectors,stalkers,thieves,soldiers and kidnappers.''
Jestro looked at Monstrox.''Could we request an assassian?'' The book asked.For a moment they were able to catch a glimpse of the woman's smirk.''Excellent choice,'' she said,taking out a piece of paper and a pen.She clicked it,writing something down.''State your name.''
''Assassian level?''
''What do you mean?''
The woman looked at him once again.
''Here we offer only the best,and we wish to know if you need a full time assassian,or just for a short period of time.''

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