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I finally felt relaxed and happy again. Things had settled into the familiar routines around the Howe household as dad's health improved. He received encouraging calls from the employment agency and after a few weeks he announced that he would soon be able to go in for short periods of time. Mom's job became easier with the stress of worry lifted from her shoulders and even Brian seemed less horrible than usual.

"Brian tells me you have a boyfriend." Dad was seated in the living room reading the paper when I walked in.

"I do not!"

"Do too!" Brian blurted from in front of the TV.

"Brian you are such a liar!"

"Hey! No name calling." Dad put down the paper and pulled me by the hand to sit on his lap. "Is he really lying?" Dad whispered. I felt my cheeks get hot and dad chuckled and winked. "Is it the boy I met at the hospital, the doctor's son?"

"He's just a friend, dad, he's not a boyfriend like that."

"Is too."


"Okay. Let's leave it at that then." Dad gave me a peck on the head and pushed me off his lap. "Wash up and set the table for mom please. She'll be home soon."

When I was finished I went back and sat on the rug beside dad's chair, trying to decide if I should mention Hector. Mom hadn't said not to. As a matter of fact she hadn't mentioned him at all.

"Dad, do you believe in seeing the future?"

"You mean like a fortune teller?" He gave up on the paper and set it aside.

"Sort of. When you were in the hospital I met a man-"

"Doo-dee-doo-dee-doo-dee-doo-dee doo." Brian sang, wiggling his fingers and hunching his shoulders.

"I'm warning you, Brian."

"Hey, enough you two. What's wrong anyway?"

"Molly met a man who wasn't there who can read the clouds." Brian started laughing and ran from the room when I started to get up.

"What's he talking about?"

"I met a man named Hector Nublado out in Larkpoint-"

"Larkpoint! What were you doing out in Larkpoint?"

"Dad, please let me tell you."

I went through the entire story including my friend's part and also Garret's. When I told him about mom, he pulled his mouth into a tight line and stared off out the window. I didn't get any further because mom came home and in short order I was in deep trouble, seated at the kitchen table between them while the whole story was thrashed out again.

"We agreed this would not be mentioned again, Molly."

"But mom, he was right!"

"That's nonsense." Mom didn't look as convinced as her words sounded and even dad wore a more than interested expression.

"Why don't we hop in the car and take a run out to Larkpoint?"

"Doug that's not a good-"

"After all, if he said the things you both say he did maybe I should thank this Hector fella personally."

"Please, mom, please!"

"Fine, if that's what you all want but not tonight. I've got laundry and dinners to do and I'm not going out again on a wild- on a useless excursion." We accepted mom's ultimatum and resigned ourselves to waiting for another time. Brian showed me his saucy tongue from the hallway then scooted away as I got up from the table.

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