Promise, for fuck's sake, PROMISE!

493 19 12

Before we start can I just

(╹๑ )✌︎

Credit to Kasane_Teto4  (╹ω╹) HA YOU HAVE NOT RUINED ME NOW! Sorry OK lets get started :P-------------------------------------

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Credit to Kasane_Teto4 (╹ω╹) HA YOU HAVE NOT RUINED ME NOW! Sorry OK lets get started :P


The room was a complete disaster - there were pillows all over the place, their clothes from the day before, hairbrushes and hairbands; if anyone else walked in they would think a 5-year old was the cause. Oh, and finally, the two were sleeping on the bed - covers kicked around with Yurio's foot draped across Y/N's body, his arms spread out wide.

'What a mess...'

'Hey, piggy-pie! Let's go get some Katsudon!' Yelled Viktor down the hall, running off with Yuuri.
'Chu! Aaachu!' Y/N was woken by the sound of sneezes and a few vibrations springing her up and down. She trued to lift herslef up but something was holding her down.

'Cinnamon roll, your leg!'

'Uh-oh.... sorry...' Yurio sat himself up against the wall, sneezing non-stop.

'You OK, Yuri-chan?'

'I'm fine. Now what did you say you wanted to do again?' He mumbled, ruffling through his bedhead.

'Oh yeah! The mall, that's what I said. Wanted a souvenir or something. You know, I'll be gone in a week after the tournament...'

Yurio's hands fells as the green orbs of his face widened.

'Y-you're gonna leave?'

'Yeah, Cinnamon roll. I did say that.'

He stared at her for a few moments, before getting up and looking away.

'Well go get ready then.' He groaned, walking through the mess of pillows towards the bathroom.
'Hey, Yuri-chan?'


'Turn around.' He did as he was asked, turning to face Y/N. She placed a hand over his eyes; he tried to enjoy it as much as he could without being seen.

'Aaaaand.... there! He was dragged to the mirror and saw a pair of cat ears stuck onto his head. Oh great, again?

He, however, walked out with no objection and had a group of fangirls following him all over the place because of it.




'Tch, let's go-' He grabbed Y/N's hand and walked off, pulling her as far away as possible. Tugging off the cat ears with the other hand, he stuffed it into one of the shopping bags and sported his middle finger at them all. The two gradually slowed to a walk, and made their way back.

'Hey Yuri-chan.'


'You're still holding my hand.'

He stopped, glaring at the contact they were making. What he did next surprised Y/N entirely.

'Please don't leave-' He walked straight into her, pushing himself into Y/N's chest.

'Y-Yura...... I......'

'Promise, for fuck's sake, PROMISE!' He pushed harder, tears forming in his eyes. She dropped all the shopping, wrapping her arms around him tight.

'I promise. And when I make a promise, I don't break it. You are and always will be my Cinnamon roll. I'll never leave.'

After a few moments of silence and sweet embrace, Yurio sneezed into Y/N's chest.

'Are you sure you didn't catch a fever in that snow yesterday, Yuri-chan?'

'I said I'm fine!'

'HAHA! Ok, how about the ice cream parlour?'

'In the middle of the winter, baka?' He replied sarcastically.

'Oh, forget that, let's go!'

My Li'l Cinnamon Roll | Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now