Chapter 3

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You streched as you sat up from your pleasant slumber . Rubbing your eyes to get rid of the last bits of sleepiness. Brushing a few strands of hair from your eyes, you pushed the covers off and sighed.

" Did ya enjoy your nap, doll?" Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Sitting criss-cross on the bed right in front of your figure was Dualscar. He'd stayed far enough away from you to avoid being hit or kicked unless you moved forward. A smile was plastered on his face, fins fluttering with childish enjoyment. " Aww, did I scare you? I'm sooooooory." He said, laughing. As the laughter faded, his expression turned serious and he moved closer. The happy-go-lucky attitude he just had was gone as fast as it appeared. "Enough playin' around. You didn't listen to me." The male stated, a smug smirk replaced his smile as he cracked his knuckles.

You moved from the bed, eyes locked on the male who stood casually. His cape, armor, rifle, and boots had been discarded a while ago, leaving him in just his black shirt and black pants. His eyes held anger and entertainment as he watched you cower in fear. " (F/N) what's wrong? You seem...frightened" You backed into the wall, moving catiously to the door. He didn't move, watching you toy with the door. Moving swiftly, he kneeled to be eye level with you. " We can do this the easy way or my way. The choice is yours." You didn't know what his way was or would be if you picked it. Maybe you'd be lucky and he'd let you go unharmed. Brushing another strand of hair from your eyes, you began to speak, "I...-I choose your way." He nodded, standing back to his height. " Close your eyes. " He ordered. Quickly, you did as told, eyes shut tightly.

Dual ran his hand over his forearm as he watched you shut your eyes. My way...Of course they'd choose my way. His fins flattened against his head, in sadness. " Doll...-" He began quietly, shaking his head. " Know that doing this makes me feel horrible..-" Dual raised his hand, his rings glistening in the light of the room.


Sudden connection of his hand to the side of your face brought tears to your eyes. Dual lowered his hand, watching your reaction. You raised a hand to your cheek, a couple tears ran down your cheeks as you looked at him. He didn't look at you, eyes closed. Raising his hand, he smacked you again, the rings on his hand connected with your jaw. Tears filled and left your eyes at an alarming rate. He dropped his arm to his side, ignoring your sobs. Your hand moved to your lips, wiping the crimson liquid which dripped down.

" I could always cause you more pain. That was just a reminder of what I could actually do to you. " Angry, you wiped the bloods and tears from your face. " I hate you!" You spat, earning a chuckle from the male. ". .Hate me? Is that so? Well, if that's how you feel I suppose I could... provide for you in such a black relationship." He turned back to you, gripping your wrists and pinning them to the wall, leaning to look you in the eyes. " Are you sure you understand the term 'hate' on this planet. Though, I won't explain how it works. You should know that you're playing a dangerous game saying such things especially after the beating you just recieved. " The grip on your wrists tightened immensely causing you to whine in pain. "Do you still hate me, (F/N)? Or are you realizing your mistake?" The seadweller asked, venom dripping from every word. "I still hate you. You're a fucking monster!"

Dualscar was taken aback by your words. "Oh..I see. I'M THE FUCKING MONSTER HERE. WELL LISTEN UP YOU BITCH. IF YOUR FEELINGS ARE SO BLACK FOR ME. I'D BE HAPPY TO RETURN THEM." He snapped, closing his eyes as he calmed down. His hands moved to your waist, gripping it tightly, his nails dug deep into you, drawing more crimson liquid. You glared at him, which he returned. His nails dug deeper into your hips as he pulled your body up against his and kissed you roughly. The kiss lasted a few minutes, before he pulled away he bit your bottom lip hard, licking away some of the blood. He shoved you away from him, looking at your bruised and bloody figure.

" So, still hate me?" He teased, chuckling as he walked out of the room, slamming the door.

Leaning against the wall, you slid to the floor, burying your face in your knees. You sobbed loudly, not caring if anyone heard you or if you drew attention. A soft knock was heard on the door, causing you to shoot up and move away from the door.

"Uh..Daaaaaaaaaad? Gog that's a wveird wvord. Anywvay, if you don't answver I'll just come in." The male voice said, opening the door. His eyes looked around the room, landing on you. " Wvho the fuck are you?" He asked, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. He looked almost human..almost. The male walked over to you, making you back up in fear. " Easy doll, easy. I don't plan to hurt you. Looks like my father caused enough damage. My name is Cronus. You don't havwe to wvorry about me, I'm pretty harmless." He reached a hand out and grabbed your hand gently, pulling you to your feet. "My dad wvill kill me wvhen he discovwers I'm doing this." Cronus lead you from the room and down a couple flights of stairs. There were only two doors in the hallway, one covered in various movie posters and other human things. The other was just violet with the Aquarius symbol in black. "That's Eridan's room. He...He isn't exactly an avwerage seadwveller but oh wvell."

Pushing open the door to his room, he sat you down in a chair by his desk before walking out. He returned, holding a small first aid kit. Sitting next to you, the troll opened it, pulling out some antiseptic and bandages. " I can't do much on the part of your bruises but I can help wvith the cuts." Cro pulled a small cloth from his pocket and poured some antiseptic on it before dabbing the bite mark on your lower lip. His eyes were full of concern. You winced at the burning feeling as he placed a small bandage over it. " I'm sorry doll. I knovw it does. I promise it's almost ovwer." He said reassuringly as he pushed the bottom of your shirt up, cleaning out the claw marks and placing bandages over them. "There you go. Has he fed you yet? "

"No..he hasn't." You replied, looking down. You could see his concerned expression from the corner of your eye. " Don't movwe." He stated seriously, standing and placing everything back in the first aid kit before walking out. "Do not open this door if someone knocks. The passwvord is grease lighting." This made you smile as he walked out, closing the door behind him. You looked around his room, looking at his collection of music and old movies. Man, this guy really liked Grease. You picked up one of the older cds he had and read the back of if as you walked around his room. Setting the cd down on his bed, you moved to his movie collection when a knock was heard on the door. You froze, letting out a sigh of relief as a familiar voice sounded from the other side. "Grease lighting, doll. " He said. You walked over to the door and opened it for the male. Cronus handed you a plate of food with various things on it.

You walked back over to his bed and sat down, beginning to eat after stating a bunch of thanks. "My gone for novw so you're safe to be around me. Wvithout a guard of course." He said, teeth digging into an apple. You looked at him, "You don't seem harmful or dangerous so why should I be worried about you?"

The seadweller didn't answer, continuing to eat his apple. " Hmm..Not important. I'll explain more in the future. As for novw, wve should be getting you back to his room before he finds out wvhat I did. " He said, standing and taking the empty plate from your hands, setting on the bed next to you. "If you evwer need to get awvay from my father, just knock three times on the floor of his room. It's right abovwe mine and oh boy..I heard quite the fight from you twvo." He said, laughing at the expression on your face. " Calm dowvn, (F/N). I didn't record it or think you stupid for standing up to him. If anything, you're more courageous than me. Novw, let's get going before he kicks both of our asses."

Grabbing your hand, he lead you out of his room, back up the stairs and to Dualscar's room. " Oh and doll..-" Cronus began, leaning in the doorway. " Yeah Cro?" You asked turning to him. " I believwe my actions deservwe some kind of rewvard, huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows while smirking at you, chuckling at your blush as he placed a cigarette in his mouth. " I'm jokin. I'm jokin. Though it wvas a swveet thought." With that, he waved and left you to your own thoughts. Only one thing was on your mind.

Were you falling in love with Cronus? Or were you in love with Dualscar?

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