Chapter 7

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You woke up late the next morning. The male who was sleeping next to you was now gone. Probably off hunting or something along the lines. Today was going to be a long day from what you could already tell. He was never around much now that he owned you. You were merely a member of his crew who didn't have a true place.

Thoughts of Cronus forced their way into your mind. 'No.' you thought to yourself. ' I am not going to see him. Never again.' A knock sounded at the door, pulling you from your thoughts. Aside from breaking the tracks of your train of thought, it also confused you. Dualscar never knocked but Cronus did. Moving to the other side of the bed, you watched in confusion. The door opened slowly, filling the room with a sharp squeak as the hinges cried through rusty bonds. Slowly, a figure came into view. He wore a cape, was is Dualscar? No, he was much too small. "Wwhere is my father?" The male questioned walking over to you. He didn't seem to be a threat as he sat on the bed, but you weren't going to take any sort of chance. " Don't wworry about me hurtin you. I'm not like Cronus. Name's Eridan." He stated, extending an arm in your direction. Hesitantly, you grabbed his hand to shake it but Eridan didn't want to shake hands. No, he wanted much more. Tightening his grip on your hand, he pulled you up against him, forcing his lips against yours. 'Typical, Typical.' your mind sang as he wrapped his other arm around your waist. You pressed your hands against his chest and pushed away from him.

"What the hell was that?!" You questioned, glaring at the male.

The seadweller stared at you in disbelief, "Wwhat did I do? You wwere the one wwho kissed me!" He yelled, absolutely flabbergasted. You stared at the male before smacking him hard across the face. "Wwhat the fuck wwas that for?!" Eridan basically screeched, eyes locked on you. "It's because you're the one wwho kissed me!" You retorted, mocking his accent. His expression held pure, burning rage as he looked at you. You looked him over as well, eventually locking eyes with the seadweller. His expression read 'I hate you" and you knew exactly what hate meant on this planet. Mentally slapping yourself, you smashed your lips against his, initiating a kiss which he happily returned with the same burning fury. You didn't know what you were doing. But Eridan did.

You had just initiated a Blackrom with Eridan Ampora, and he was beyond excited about it.

The door opened suddenly, revealing a servant. The servant moved to look at you and Eridan in your current lip lock and gasped quietly, exiting the room quickly. They hurried across the deck, towards a set of stairs, hurrying down the stairs. They made it to the door of Dualscar's weapon room. Knocking profusely, they waited for Dualscar to open the door. The door opened rather quickly, revealing a very angry seadweller, "What do ya want?" He questioned, walking away from the door and back into the weapons room. "I..It was your son, sir. He was kissing your female. T..The new one, sir." They spoke quickly. Dualscar turned toward the servant, eyes full of a new anger. He didn't say anything, quickly leaving the room.

Quickly leaving the room, he made his way back to his quarters. The door was forced opened, almost breaking off its hinges. Eridan turned to the door, pushing you off the bed and away from him. "Wvhat the fuck is going on here.?" His voice was quiet but clearly full of anger. "I told you not to touch my sons again."

The male stalked towards you, eyes full of anger and sexual tension as he grabbed you, pulling you against his body. His hand gripped your forearm tightly, turning the skin a bright red. Growling, he made his way from the room. He'd deal with Eridan later. "I'vwe had just enough of yer actions, girl." Dual's words were laced with pure anger. He stood before the side of the ship, the long drop into the ocean, the sound of the waves hitting the side of the ship taunted you.

You tugged your arm away from Dualscar, in a hopeless attempt to break free but it did nothing. A hand grasped your waist, a second hand following its lead as you were lifted from the deck of the ship. "Please!" You begged hopelessly, "I won't do it again! I swear-!" Violet eyes on you, an expression of pure anger placed on the males face. He muttered something under his breath, moving to set you down.

At least that's what you thought.

Your feet rested on air, the ocean below seemed to taunt the male who held you. It called for you, the deep waters waited for you to fall. The air was still, time seeming to have stopped as his hands moved from your hips in one quick motion. You had little time to scream, the fall coming quicker than you thought it would.

Breaking through the water, it covered your head. Your eyes shut tightly as you made your way to the top. Eyes scanning the side of the ship, you locked eyes with Dualscar, turning his back to you. He walked away, leaving you to fend for yourself in the ocean on a foreign planet. 

Something brushed against your leg making you jump. You tried to move away from it but it's grip was tight on your appendage. You flailed and kicked, hoping it would let you go. To no avail, it pulled you under, making you gasp and allowing the water to fill your lungs. Whatever held you, now pushed you to the surface of the water, letting you catch your breath and hack up the water in your lungs. You turned to see what the creature was but you found nothing. Letting out a sigh, you leaned back, sort of letting the ocean hold you for now. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, a head resting on your shoulder as a voice sounded into your ear." Did ya miss me, babe?"

A smile formed on your lips, regardless of how much you hated him. You couldn't help but be happy to see him right now. He was all you currently had as you floated in the salt waters of Alternia.

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