Chapter 6

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Cronus growled at the voice of his sibling through the door. Reaching forward, he slowly and quietly locked the door. Looking at you, he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to his closet. Upon opening the door, you saw a bunch of white t-shirts, leather jackets and other things.

You moved into the corner and hid, sliding one of his jackets on. Cronus smiled at you before closing the door and going to deal with his mess of a descendant. While you waited for Cronus to open the door and give you the all clear. You closed your eyes, feeling yourself begin to drift off to sleep. Fighting the open arms of sleep, you stayed awake, hearing Cronus's door slam after what you could guess was around twenty minutes of arguing.

Sure enough, the argument was over and Cronus had opened the door once again. "Alright doll, he's gone novw so wve can continue wvhat wve wvere doin' beforehand." He said, pulling you to your feet. His hands gripped your hips as he pushed you up against the doorframe of his closet. Lips finding your neck, he left small butterfly kisses all over trying to find your sweet spot. You responded with a small mewl as the seadweller found it. The male didn't hesitate in attacking the spot, biting down until he left a reasonable mark. Once that was complete, he planted a small kiss on your lips before pulling away completely. "Sorry to cut our time together so short today but wve havwe to get you back upstairs and covwer the...noticeable mark I thought wvould be a good idea for some reason." You giggled as you watched him come to his realization. " Though, I wvill not apologize for it. It is important that wve covwer it or else wve are both fucked. "

He lead you out of the closet and sat you down on his bed, walking out of his room for a moment. More arguing was heard from the other room. Along with rather loud footsteps coming down the hall. " CRONUS WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" The eldest Ampora called, walking right past Cronus's room where you were hiding. " I wvas just getting somethin' from Eridan and he wvon't let me borrovw it!" He argued, walking back into his room, Dualscar close behind. Cronus locked eyes with you and instantly tensed. " Okay, no. Let's discuss this in the hallwvay." He said, trying to push the eldest out of the room. Dualscar growled lowly and smacked him, pushing him out of the way. As he stepped into the room and noticed you, he walked right over and grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling you to your feet. " I've had enough of your bullshit, girl. I hope ye know how to swim." Dual began, walking out of the room, pulling you by the hair. Cronus watched you leave but didn't chase after you, afraid for his own life.

Dual shook his head as he walked, pulling you right over to the side of the ship, once you were back on deck. He let go of your hair and gripped your hips tightly, picking you up and holding you over the side, extending his arms out as far as they could go. He chuckled in entertainment as he watched you struggle to get free without falling into the ocean below you. " Please! I'm sorry. I won't talk to him anymore, I swear."You pleaded with the captain, who gave you a resting bitch face as a reply. You waited for a response whilst still struggling. " You know what, girl? I believe that's a good idea. Never interact with either of my children ever again or I won't be so merciful the next time I want to throw you off my damn ship, got it?"

You nodded in response, seeing the captain's expression soften slightly. He pulled you back from over the water and held you close, like he was trying to assure you that you were going to be fine. Which you were for the time being. His heels clicked as he walked back to his quarters and set you on the bed. "Listen lass. -" Dual began, crouching so you two were eye level. " I don't want you going near Cronus anymore. He isn't as nice as he plays off. Trust me because I've seen what he can do, he just wants to be a peaceful troll which he's incapable of. I'm only trying to look out for ya, not seem so cruel like I usually am. Does that makes sense?" The seadweller asked, reading your expression closely. A small smile played at his lips as you nodded. Moving, he sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his lap. He nuzzled you while purring happily. You rested your head on his shoulder, listening to his purrs when he suddenly leaned down. " I'm sorry I've been so...all over the place with my feelings. I do like you. I really do, I just get angered easily and take it out on people close to me. Please, don't take my words to heart." He muttered, gently rubbing your back.

Slowly you drifted off to sleep. Waking up only when the male shifted and laid down, holding you close to him. His eyes were closed and he seemed extremely tired. Moving slowly, you reached up and kissed him softly. Which he returned for a few second before pulling away and nuzzling into your neck, falling asleep again. You didn't fall back asleep instantly, listening to the male's gently snores. It made you smile, seeing him go from a total brute to a softy in a short brand of time. You knew he had a heart but it wasn't in the right place. Meaning, his emotions weren't focused enough. They were really just scattered and played whenever he thought nessecary.

None of that mattered to you now. Moving as best as you could while in his grip, you pulled a blanket awkwardly over both of you, fixing it to the best of your ability. Burying your face in his chest, you began to realize where your emotions played most.

You weren't in love with Cronus. Your heart belonged to Dualscar.

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