Chapter 1.

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You  sat quietly, head down, other figures around me shifted nervously. The room you are  being held in was pitch black. Understandably, you didn't need to be smart to know where you were. You had been picked up by the high bloods and was currently awaiting my turn to be shown off like a new toy to a child. The child would beg and offer anything it could have for the new toy. The highest  bloods would offer as much money as it took to get what they wanted. They didn't care if what they did affected me or anyone else here.

Your name is (F/N) (L/N) and you  know that you are going to be sold as a slave to the highest bidder in a few moments.

Your time is running out. This is not how you planned to use your time. You imagined that you'd have much longer to work on getting your cuffs off. To no avail, the chains only rattled as you fooled with them. It's been three days since we've arrived wherever we are. As the days come and go, more people are sold off and more come to replace them. Except for you, weirdly enough you were actually happy to be stuck in this densely packed room. It's better than being forced out before a group of people who only care about you if you can work well.

Without much to prove myself with, you'll have to rely on looks. Most of the trolls and other humans are a lot stronger than you. They have that going for them. You don't but you know that when your time comes, if you don't get sold immediately then you'll face some sort of punishment.

The door opened slowly on the opposite end of the room, flooding it with golden light. You squinted your eyes, looking off to a corner as to not go blind from the sudden light. Footsteps echoed through the dark room and no one moved or made a sound.

The air was still as the blueblooded troll walked among everyone, occasionally stopping to throughly exam one person at a time before he stopped in front of me. " It's your turn now. (F/N). Stand up." He ordered. Quickly you stood, looking at the ground. He gripped the chains of my cuffs and pulled me out of the room.

You never knew that it'd be held in front of so many people but now was not the time to think about that.

Sitting in the very front of the crowd were the highbloods. Condescension in her throne. Dualscar, her beloved serviceman, sat beside her in a violet coloured throne. Grand HighBlood sat to her right in his own huge throne, covered in various sized Splatters of multiple colours of blood. You scanned the crowd, you knew these trolls. The most powerful three to walk on Alternia. Feared by almost every troll who had their thinkpan in order.

Your eyes continued to look over the sea of variously shaped horns before locking on another pirate. Her black boots ran up to her midthigh, uncovering the smallest bit of cobalt leggings underneath her dress. Ruffles of dark blue , cobalt and some small tinges of cerulean accompanied the dress and overcoat which she wore proudly. A large sword was sheathed at her side, extending outward in a threatening matter. The woman caught you  staring and smirked, her one cobalt eye shining with interest as she adjusted her hat. An eye patch was brandished over her left eye, making you wonder of what happened to her.

" The auction is about to begin."

You stiffened and focused your gaze ahead. The trolls who took care of us, beat it into us everytime we messed up.

'You are not to move. You are not to make eye contact. Once the auction begins. You must not move and you all know what will happen if you disobey us.'

The words echoed through your mind as you watched over all the trolls before me. Their bids echoed through the still air but you could see that none of the highbloods were interested in you.

Or is that just what they want you to believe?

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