Chapter 5

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You woke up slowly, rubbing sleep from your eyes. Dualscar's figure shifted next to you. Moving quietly and slowly, you left the bed and headed towards the door. Pausing occasionally when you thought he was going to stir. Opening the heavy wooden door, you slipped out of the room and headed down to Cronus's.

Swiftly, you moved down the hallway. Avoiding other crewmen whom would happily turn you into Dualscar if they had to. A sigh of relief left your body as you finally reached his room. Raising a hand, you went to knock on the door but it swung open sending you backward in shock. Looking forward, your eyes locked with the white eyes of the greaser. " Cronus..Please I never meant to tell him, okay? I..-I panicked." You said quickly, tears welled in your eyes. " You. Betrayed. Me. " He stated angrily, arms crossed. " I wvas trying to get you out of this hellhole but novw I'm regretting trying. I shouldn't havwe bothered wvith a slavwe. None of you are wvorth the trouble." His words stung, you couldn't think of any kind of argument to get him to trust you again. "If you wvant me to change my mind, tell my dad that...-" He went quiet as he tried to think. "Tell Dual that you're being over dramatic. That it wvas all in your head. Tell him you nevwer meant to say any of that bullshit to him. He doesn't need to knovw that wve kissed, if anything its probably the worst thing that he could knovw." You nodded in obedience, causing the seadweller to smirk.

"Good, but since you're dowvn here. I'm going to havwe a little fun wvith my father's personal property. " Cronus grabbed your wrist, pulling you into his room. " What do you mean..have fun?" He chuckled, " That's not your business. Novw, wve havwe a fevw hours before he wvakes up. So.." He began, sitting down on the edge of his bed, hands resting on his knees. Cronus looked you over a couple times, a new light in his eyes.

" (F/N)...-" He began in a quiet tone. You shifted nervously, not really knowing what to do. Looking back to the closed door, you pondered leaving but..what good would that do? " Yes Cronus..? " You asked turning your attention back to him. His expression changed to a more serious one. His hands moved to his sides, stuffed in his pockets once more. "You really want to earn my trust back? Fine, just strip for me." He said, smirking devilishly.

Your face burned with a red blush. " I..I don't think I ca-." The seadweller ushered to the door behind you. " Then Leavwe." You growled in anger, you couldn't believe he was doing this to you. Using you to please his sexual tension without making his father angry. " Fiine. I'll do it." The seadweller clapped happily, making you smile.

You moved your hands to the buttons on your shirt and began to, teasingly slow, unbotton your shirt. Once you had finished, you didn't slip the shirt off, no. You left it on, the hints of fabric from your bra showing through the smal gap of the shirt. The male huffed in frustration, " Don't be such a tease, babe. Just shovw me wvhat you got." He hummed, resting back on the bed. You didn't say anything, too flustered to think of a good sentence. Cronus just chuckled. " Avwvw Kitten is flustered. " He teased, standing. " If you can't strip then I could alwvays help if you wvant~." He said in a lustful tone. You took a step away from him but he reached out to you, grabbing your waist. "Don't wvorry. I wvon't do anything you don't wvant. " He said quietly, pulling you closer to him. His expression was one of love and lust. Swiftly, he captured your lips in a kiss. His hands landed on your waist, pulling your hips to meet his.

Your lips moved against his, eyes closed. Cronus pushed you up against the wall, gripping your waist tightly so you couldn't move. Pulling away from the kiss, he moved to your neck biting down harshly before he pulled away completely. Fins flared as he narrowed his eyes. " Cro..what is i-" He covered you mouth with his hand, gesturing you to be quiet. " Shh. I think someone is comi-"

"Cro! Open your cod damn door. I need to glubbin talk to you." A voice called from outside his door. " Wvhat do you wvant, Eridan?" Cronus asked, moving his hand from your mouth and quickly buttoning your shirt.

Eridan chuckled from the other side of the door. "One good reason wwhy I should tell Dualscar wwhat you planned to do wwith his servvant."

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