Chapter 31.

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Remember three chapters ago when this book had 13k and now it has 28k. Yeah, that's wild. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. Imma stop there, but thank you all so much.

Payton's p.o.v

"See you on the other side." August pauses, fear laced in his tone even as he tries to joke about it all. "Unless, you like- go to hell."

"How do you know-" I cut my sentence short when I notice a shadow right in front of me.

Not being able to back up anymore, I freeze. Sitting there, in a tornado of my own apprehension. Nothing makes you regret anything more than when you're face to face with your own terrors and demons.

My legs don't move, my arms don't move, my eyes don't blink, and if I had to be unreasonable, I'd say that I stopped breathing. All in all, the lump in my throat is unbearable. Making each fearful swallow I take painful.

"Payton?" A familiar voice hisses my name and I turn my head with furrowed eyebrows.

I can't tell if the breath Mrs.Abel takes is one of relief or one of annoyance. I momentarily close my eyes, and I let out a silent sigh of relief.

"I thought you were someone else."

"For someone so smart, you're quite stupid." Is what she tells me, and I blink.

"What'd I do?"

"Nothing. You're just a bit naive, and bad at reading people maybe. You lack the trait to know when something is bullshit, you're quite peaceful for someone with your temper, you take too much crap from others, but other than that you're fine."

I give her a confused look. Titlting my head slightly and blinking, with my mouth slightly agape.

"What'd I do?" I repeat, caught off guard by her words.

"Nothing." She shakes her head.

Taking that for an answer, I sit back down with my back against the wall and I allow myself to relax.

"How'd you even get up here?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Turns out, the so called danger happens to be gone. I don't know what he or she was running from but they're gone. I'm just going to assume that they were like running from the cops or something because there's police sirens."

"Oh." I nod my head. "So. What? They just didn't plan on telling the people in the gym that we didn't have to fear for our lives anymore."

"Guess not." She stands to her feet. "You needed a good scare anyway. Bet you won't listen to any more anonymous text."

I shrug, because I probably won't. Who knows though, maybe that person coming in the building had saved me from something incredibly horrible happening.

I groan in exhaustion from wasting my time and anxiety. I turn to August, who still has no look of relief on his face. Like he's convinced that we're not safe.

"You can get up now." I tell him as I stand up and recollect myself.

"I did all of this worrying for nothing? Something needs to happen."

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