Surprise Awakenings

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"I need to pretend that you were never here
I need to forgot the 2am conversations
that still echo through my ears
as we sat under starry skies
that are forever burned into my eyes
I need to let you go the way you did
when you left me to save the world
because I can't handle knowing
which side of the gun you're on"

The line went dead after that. She sounded drunk and her words were slurred but she had never lied while she was drunk before. Why would she start now? Malia must have felt this way, and if this is how she feels how could I be so selfish to keep her here? To make her worry, how could I? It didn't make it better knowing that she was right, it had been so many times where I've been on the wrong side of the gun that I've lost count. It had been so many times since I've almost died and I know she didn't need that heartache. So I made up my mind and I wrote it. I wrote the letter that I thought would seal our fate forever but how could I ever be so wrong? Because here we were in the half lit hospital room. Eyes looked on each other and her hand on my chest. Probably from where she just stabbed me with some needle. My heavy breathing the only noise. Well that and the heavy pounding of my heart.

Meanwhile: In Issac's (pov)

I had just woken up from my little nap because I had to go to the bathroom. It was my night again to be on watch but Scott was being stubborn and he wouldn't wake up so I took this time to get some much needed rest. The security had doubled around here since Lydia and the General had arrived. Lydia had made sure that the place became stricter and that all attention would be on Scott so when he woke up he would have the proper necessities to get better. Lydia was so positive that Scott would wake up and save Stiles and if he didn't she claimed she would surely kill him herself. This only made the rumors about Scott and Lydia's relationship spread more but Lydia didn't seem to mind. I quickly glanced at the monitor just Incase Scott decide to get up and be my captain again before going to the bathroom. But when I saw the doctor running all over the room I quickly forgot about my bathroom break and watched the situation before assuming. Was she saving him? It was a illegal he was supposed decide for himself, if he was dying she was just supposed to let him. She signed the contract she ought to know what she's doing. Should I stop her? If anyone found out I knew what she was doing and I didn't stop it I'd go to jail alongside her. But what if she could save Scott?

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