Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Loren's POV
"Ugh" I groaned, as I sat up to smack my alarm. 'Shoot! That was my phone!' I thought. I picked up my phone, because I had made it fall off the bedside table. "Wake up!" my mom yelled, "your graduation is today!" Just at the thought of that I fall off my bed making a loud thump, echoing through the house. "Ow" I mumbled. I quickly got up and went straight to my closet and pulled out an outfit. Just a plain and simple loose black t-shirt and some jean shorts , with my black vans. I grab my bag and run downstairs. As I'm getting my granola bar, I hear foot steps coming down the stairs. Probably my older brother, Chad. Chad is a year older than me (19) and although he is really silly sometimes, he is the most supportive person I know. I feel my feet leave the floor and I'm lifted over somebody's back. I could tell who, "Chad!!!!" I wined "Put me down!" He laughed and put me down. "Are you excited?" He asked. He was obviously playing dumb because I had been talking about graduation for the past week 24/7 "No. I'm very very very sad about it" I said pretending to be really upset about it. Chad had a confused look on his face. "What?!" He wondered aloud. I started laughing really hard, "Gotcha" I replied still laughing. He gave me a blank stare and continued on with his morning. My mom came rushing down the stairs, she  immediately gave me my "gown" for the graduation and told me to put it in my bag. My bag (back pack) was just plain black and had white stripes going across it. I go over to the table, holding my bag and gown. I set my bag down on the table, pulling the zippers to open it so I could put my gown inside it. While I was zippering my bag back up, I realized I should probably check the time. I run upstairs and grab my phone and check the time. It was currently 8:30. We had to be at the school at 9 and had an hour to get ready. I decided to do my hair at school since I was fast at getting dressed. I packed my hair straightener and brush within fifteen minutes of my precious time. I got back to my bag and but my stuff inside it and told my mom I'm leaving. She kissed my cheek and took a photo of me in front of the door for no good reason. "My baby's growing up" my mom said, pretending to cry. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Bye!" I waved as i left my property. "Bye!" She waves back smiling. The school just so happened to be down the street, so it was not a long walk at all, I got there five minutes to spare. I see my two best friends walk up to the school. Brooke and Marley. Usually one person of three best friends are jealous. But none of us are, Marley and Brooke are half cousins because some family stuff. So yeah. I ran to both of them and we group hugged. We broke the hug and then the school doors opened, meaning we could go inside. We walked in, as soon as we got inside we saw so many people coming through the doors already. Our school has 2 other schools that come to graduate here to since the school was huge.
Brooke's POV
Me, Loren, and Marley quickly walk away to the bathroom so we can change. We all get our uniforms on and help each other with some makeup. This took about 20 minutes. I straightened my hair and also Loren's and Marley's. since the school was really big, so were the bathrooms. So it was not crowded in there at all. Once we were done we walked out together. I tripped and feel over somebody's foot, from the looks of it..Loren and Marley did to. Suddenly I feel my hand being lifted. I look up from the ground into some beautiful blue eyes. I didn't stare. I'm not sure that kind of person...I quickly stand up with the help of him, I glance to my left and see Marley and Loren being helped up by two other boys. "Hey, I'm Corbyn" Corbyn said holding his hand out for me to shake. "Sorry for bumping into you" he looked worried, as if I was gonna get mad at him. "It's fine, don't worry about it. I'm Brooke" I replied smiling and shaking his hand. "Oh, this is Zach, Daniel, Jonah, and Jack" Corbyn told me, looking at each one. "Cool, nice to meet you guys! This is Loren and Marley" I introduced them, slightly pointing them out. I caught Marley staring at Daniel, the boy who helped her up. He was staring at her to. They would be so cute together!! "Oh my gosh, they look so cute together and they just met" I whispered to corbyn and laughing a little bit, he did to. "Earth to Marley" I laughed. "Oh..." she said, realized she was staring at him. Daniel looked at corbyn and winked. I almost started laughing, but that would be weird so I didn't. I check the time, it was currently 9:45. "Hey, guys we should get to the auditorium, we have fifteen minutes" I suggested, looking at the boys and then Loren and Marley. "I guess" Loren said shrugging. We all walked together, while getting to know each other. "Oh, so I know I have just met you...but I trust you. You can't tell anyone, okay?" Corbyn said, looking at me. Damn his eyes are sooo pretty. "Yeah, of course!" I told him. "Guess what" He said. Making me eager to hear what he'd have to say. "What" I replied giggling.
"I am...a secret ninja turtle!!!" He said laughing. I laughed so hard my face turned bright red, once I had calmed down I heard a camera click from behind. I turn around to see what it was, I see Loren, Marley and the rest of the boys giggling at the photo. What the heck could it be. As I turn back around I realized that me and corbyn were holding hands. That must be it. I look down at our hands, so did corbyn. We both blushed and continued walking. "Brooke?" Corbyn asked. "Yeah" I replied, curious to hear his question. "Um, could I have your number?" He asked, letting go of my hand to scratch his neck. "Yeah, of course" I reply blushing at his question. He gives me his phone and I type in my number.


"Thanks" he says smiling. "Um, mind if I have yours? I don't want you to text me and then think I'm texting some stranger" I ask laughing. Corbyn laughed and then I passed him my phone. He typed in his number while smiling. He is adorable, is all I could think. He passed my phone back to me still stilling and looking into my eyes. Just then we reached the auditorium. We walked inside and went back stage. We waited around waiting for our names to be called.
Corbyn's POV
Me and Brooke sat down on some chairs along with the boys, Loren and Marley. Daniel was on my left and Brooke was on my right. Daniel tapped on my shoulder and whispered to me, "You like her don't you" he whispered, I didn't really know though. I mean I just met her, she's really nice and all. But crushing on her, after I just met her? Is that even possible???!!! "I don't know, I mean I just met her." I replied. I get nudged by him, "you do!" He teased laughing slightly. "Okay, maybe I do. Or maybe I don't." I tell him. I then hear people names starting to be called.
"Are you nervous?" Brooke asked me, I looked at her. "Hell yeah" I said. "Good, I thought I was the only one" you replied, smiling. Her smile was adorable. Oh my god. I turned back to the stage, so she wouldn't realize that I was pretty much staring before.
"Next up we have, Corbyn Besson!" I heard the lady say. "Good luck" Brooke wished, although she was nervous, she was really good at hiding it. I got up and walked on to the stage. She passed me my scroll thingy (A/N: idk what there called, for gods sake idk how this stuff works) "Thank you!" I said into the mic. I quickly walked back off the stage. Soon enough all the boys were called up, same with Loren and Marley. "Next we have, Brooke *what ever you want her last name to be (lol)* " She announced. "Go go go" I say pushing Brooke slightly and laughing. She laughed and walk up on the stage. She was passed her "scroll" and thanked the lady. As she is walking off the stage, she spots me, and the others. She quickly walks over to us and sits back down. "It's insane" Brooke commented. "Tell me about it" I replied. I flashed her a smile. I looked to my left and saw the boys, Loren and Marley chit chatting about something. Daniel looks at me and then starts to speak. "Can I tell them?" He asked. About what? I wondered.
Daniel's POV
"Can I tell them?" I asked Corbyn. He had a confused look on his face. "About what?" Corbyn wondered aloud. "About you liking" I said, tilting my head Brooke's way. "Don't tell her!" He whispered "yelled". "I meant the boys, Loren and Marley, dumbo" I laughed, giving him a nudge on the shoulder.
"Fine whatever" he replied.
A/N: Haha, cliffhanger!!!!! Anyways. Christina and Corbyn are not dating in this story :/ don't get me wrong, Christina is really nice and all but...what is she was just plain rude???? Exactly. Hope you're enjoying the story! Peace out chickens

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