Chapter 5: "BROOKE!"

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Brookes POV
Recap: We just ate lunch on a really really really really sunny day🤘🏻
"I'm to full to continue" Corbyn laughs. "Same here" I say, laughing as well.
I get up and throw out my trash and walk back over to the group. As im walking back over I see them laughing at Corbyn and poking him. I wonder why? Its almost like there teasing him..
I sit back down in my seat, which is beside Corbyn. "What were you guys laughing about?" I ask. "Nothing!" Corbyn quickly replied. I cant help it but I furrow my eye brows at him.
(A/N: idk 😂)
Everybody laughs but me. I DON'T GET IT I thought to myself. "Okay okay, whats going on?" I ask, getting a little more confused then I already am. "You will find out soon enough" Jonah says. I groan, making everybody laugh even more. I look to my right to see in the menu that there is ice cream. "OMG THERE IS ICE CREAM!" I scream. "Woahhhh, somebody likes ice cream a lot huh?!" Loren giggles. Her voice fades away as i run up to the cashier and order a chocolate, soft ice cream with chocolate sirup of course. I love chocolate...
"Can I get a chocolate soft ice cream with chocolate sirup?" I ask the nice lady. "Yeah! That would be 3.45" She replies, don't get me wrong she was nice and all, but- in a way she seemed mean, yeah know? I get handed my order and walk back over go the group and sit down once again. "Wow" Corbyn mentions. "What?" I wonder aloud. "Just the fact that you would do anything for ice cream" he laughs. "Not anything!" I reply quickly. Marley's mouth drops, Marley was to my left (Corbyn to right) . "Like what!?" She asks confused, folding her arms up. Now, I can trust her with anything, and I mean anything.
(true story/ ilostmyselfwithWDW )
I whisper in her ear, now this is chessy but its sooo true. "Corbyn" I quickly whisper, to Marley. Looking down so she doesn't see me blush, I blush really easy.... "aww" she laughs, and nudges me, " HEYYYY!" I giggle.
Loren had a confused look on her face, "what?" She asks. Marley signals her to come over to us, Loren kneels down to Marley's height and puts her hand over her ear as Marley whispers. "BROOKE!" Loren laughs, so hard her face goes red. I laugh even harder and keep looking down. "Can I tell the others? Pleassse" Loren begs. "Fine" I give in, she begs a lot and she never stops so I don't even try anymore , "just not you know who!" I continue. "Of course not" I get in response. She slowly goes around the table, skipping Corbyn, as she tells everybody what I said. " NO WAY!" Jack yells. Daniel bursts out laughing at Jack and so does Zach, Loren, Marley, Me, and Jonah. "Wait you like..." Jonah starts, giving me signals that he means Corbyn. I slowly nod my head and look down right away. "PUT YOUR HEAD UP BROOKE" Marley yells. I put my head up and everybody starts laughing, including Corbyn.
Corbyn's POV
I have no idea what we're laughing about, but I start to laugh anyways...I didn't want to look like I had no emotions, what so ever. Brooke looks up and is blushing like crazy. She quickly puts her head in my chest (NOT   LITERALLY) with out thinking out my arm around her shoulders, and mouth to everybody "what's going on"
I get a shrug from everybody, but there still laughing. "Okay what's going on" I ask laughing. "Umm" Brooke starts. "Can I please tell him!" Loren starts to beg again. Yet, I don't know what it's about:(
Brooke's POV
"Can I please tell him!" Loren begs, again. I knew she wouldn't stop begging because I have known her my home life. I roll my eyes playfully, "fine, but I'm going to the bathroom while this happens, and I might leave afterwards because of the awkwardness!" I laugh, and then I quickly walk to the bathroom. ' WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE? I HAVE KNOWN THIS BOY FOR NOT EVEN TWO FREAKEN DAYS??? AND I ALREADY HAVE A FLIPPING CRUSH ON HIM! I mean...I do know him really well already...' I though, as I go into a stall. 'BUT JUST IMAGINE THE AWKWARDNESS BETWEEN US! ESPECIALLY IF HE DOESN'T LIKE ME BACK' I kept thinking. Brooke, Brooke, Brooke, you are a story that nobody can read. I decided to sit so I did so and just put to toilet seat down and then sat down . My feet really hurt.... now I don't want to get up.... but I have to, I mean, I'm gonna have to go back out there one point in my life. I could just do the 24 hour challenge and just stay here... no that's bad Brooke! Your bad enough!!! I though. I'm so done. I get up and march back out there (not actually)
Corbyn's POV
While Brooke is in the bathroom the others huddle in on the table, me included. "Okay what's going on" I ask for the millionth time. "Okay, Brooke likes you..." Marley says quickly to me. My mouth drops, NO WAYYYYY. Daniel laughs at this. "I don't know if you know this, but he likes her to." Daniel starts, he's laughing so hard there are tears in his eyes. Everybody's attention is at me now. Oh no. I hear the bathroom door open, I turn my head around a see Brooke looking down as she's walking out. She had her head up just enough so she could see where she is going, but others couldn't really see her face. I start to walk over to her. With out think I kiss her. Yep. WHAT DID I DO?
She kisses back, wow, first time a girl didn't run away...(A/N: OMG THIS IS TO CRINGY FOR ME LM*O)

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