Chapter 10: Should We?

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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Corbyn's POV
I wake up to my phone ringing. I pick it up with out looking at the caller I-D.

B- Corbyn D- Daniel

- Hello?
-Hey Corbyn, it's Daniel
*Daniel laughs*
-Okay I'm going back to sleep now, bye.
-Sorry for waking you princess
End of Convo
I try to go back to sleep, but it doesn't work. I finally decide o get up and go downstairs. Me, Daniel, Jack, Zach, and Jonah all live together. I come down the stairs to see everybody on the couch (wdw) talking somewhat about a band. I go to the kitchen and make myself some pancakes.
"Corbyn!" Zach yells from the living room.
"What!" I reply, putting my pancakes on a plate.
"We were thinking we could all start a band together, since we sing with each other a lot" Daniel starts, walking over to me with Zach.
"I'm down" I say. We all start cheering knowing we're gonna be in a band together. :)
*Time skip to 6pm*
Daniels POV
I'm taking Marley out on a date tonight. I'm so glad I met her. I plan on giving her a promise ring tonight, so I put it in my pocket and head out he door. I get in the car and drive to Marley's house.
I walk up to her door and knock. She comes to the door and opens it.
"You look amazing" I say, smiling.
"You don't look to bad yourself!" She giggles.
"Shall we?" I ask, putting my hand out.
"We shall." Marley laughs. But like oh my gosh her laugh is so flipping cute!!!
I walk her to the car and ipe. The car door for her, once she is in the car a close the door and go to my sis wife the car.
"Where are you taking me!?" Marley asks, turning to look at me.
"It's a surprise" I chuckle.
"Daniel" she wines, "you know I don't like surprises! But I have a feeling ill like this one" she smirks. I laugh at this and then pull up to the restaurant we're going to.
"Awwww it's so pretty!" She admits, I decided to be real cheesy for a second.
"Just like you" I say, while giving her a kiss on the cheek. We go in and sit at our table, we had reservations here so we didn't have to wait in the long line up.
"Your cute." Marley complements, pinching my cheeks.
"Ow" I laugh. I scan the menu and decided on a club sandwich, Marley got a B-L-T (a/n: idk what to give them, don't judge)
The lady came and took or menus. It seemed like she was flirting with me...but I barley even noticed. I was just staring at Marley the whole time:) she had a pretty light grey dress on and some grey flats. She made every other girl in the room look jealous when she smiled. See, I'm lucky I got MY GIRL. My one and only......💕

—-> WhyDontWe98 🖤
I also am thinking of taking Loren out and instead putting Ríona in her place...sounds mean but, irl rionabt1 is like, zach's soul mate.... and she one of my best frannnndssss so yeah😜

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