Chapter 6: Time flies🖤

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Daniels POV
*1 week later*
Wow, I've only known Marley for just over a week.......ugh this is so hard. My thoughts are interrupted by Corbyn, who was knocking at my door.
"Come in!" I yell, but it wasn't Corbyn. I thought it might be because he said he wanted to talk later about 'girl problems😂' . Instead of Corbyn it was Marley...... "Hey!" She greeted, with a big smile. GOD I LOVE THAT SMILE!
(A/N: *cough* cringe *cough*)
"Hi!" I smiled back, looking at her in the eyes. "What are you doing here" I question, siting up. "Just thought I would come hang out with you and the boys for a bit, but I got here and Corbyn opened the door and he was just leaving and said you were still here though" Marley explained. "Cool, what do you wanna do?" I ask, her. "I don't really know" She replied, siting on the floor. "Girl, get up here. You know how dirty that floor is?" I laugh, patting the spot beside me on my bed. She laughed and got up, then sat by me. "Wanna watch a movie" I question.
"Sure!" She says. I get up from my bed, and go to the draw with all the movies. I decided on a scary movie😈
"So what movie are we watching" Marley asked, "You'll find out" I laugh.
"DANIEL! You know I get scared easily!" She said, hitting my playfully. Honestly, she is adorable when she's scared...that's why I picked it....
Marley's POV
I decided to go to the boys house for a bit, since Brooke was busy, she was a working actress now, and Loren, she went out with Zach and later she had to work on he new fashion line. Honestly I'm proud of them both, but I really wanna find something I love to. I got to the boys house and knocked on the door. Corbyn answered, "Hey, Marley! The other boys are out and I'm going out to, but Daniel is still here." Corbyn greets. I don't know if I have a crush on Daniel, for sure. -Okay I thought about...YEP I DO! FOR SURE.
"Okay!" I reply, with a wave. He lets me inside the house and I go upstairs. I then knock on Daniels door. "Come in" he yells. I open the door, "Hey!" I say, smiling. "Hi!" He greets, looking up at me. "What are you doing here?" Daniel asks, siting up. "Well, Brooke and Loren were busy so I thought I would come and hang!" I shuttered. Woah his smile is amazing, who knew someone could pull off a tooth gap so we'll???
"Okay, what do you wanna do?" He asked. "I don't know" I say, sitting down on the floor. "Girl, get up here! You know how dirty that floor is?" He laughs, patting the spot beside him. I get up and go sit with him. BUT LIKE OMG HE IS ADORABLE. "We should watch a movie!" Daniel suggests. "Sure!" I exclaim, smiling like a complete dork. He gets up and goes to a draw that seems to have all the movies in it. "So what movie are we watching?" I ask, concerned because he had an evil grin on his face, "you'll see" he says, he puts the movie on and then it starts playing. " DANIEL! You know I hate scary movies" I laugh. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear it:/
Brooke's POV
I got up really quick this morning, got in a shower, got dressed, and did my hair. Today I am auditioning for a movie. I've wanted to be an actress ever since I was young, and now I might be able to! I quickly get in the car and start driving to where the audition is. There isn't a lot of people auditioning so I could get the part:)
*At the audition*
"Okay, Can we see Brooke?" A lady asks. I get up out of my seat and walk over, into the room. I start to act, to be honest it's not easy. Once I was done, I walk out of the room. I was also the last person to audition. "The person playing Annie in the movie is...." The girl paused. "Brooke M" She added. I GOT THE PART! But then someone else walks up, "Hi, I'm Brooke!" She smiles, giving a little wave. Maybe there was another Brooke?! But my last name starts with an 'N'! I walk up to the lady at the desk and ask if I can see the list of names. "thanks!" I say, as she hands me a sheet. There was about 6 other people that auditioned. "Hmm, Emma, August, " I mumble to myself, slowly going down the list. AND GUESS WHAT, NO OTHER BROOKE'S! I hand the paper back to the lady and call Corbyn.
*ring, ring, ring*
C- Corbyn B-Brooke
B- Corbyn! I just got done with my audition!
C- That's great, how did it go?
B- ummm, well I'm suppose to get the part but someone else went up...
C- go tell someone, quick.
B- Bu-
C- No, this is your dream and I swear to god, Brooke. If you don't I will
B- okay (I laugh) I'll call you back
C- Okay, byyyyye
B- bye corbs
*end of phone call*
I walk up to the lady at few desk again, "Excuse me, but my name is Brooke and someone else went up" I say. "Okay, do you have an I-D with you?" The girl asks, "Yep!" I sutter, pulling my I-D out of my purse. "Here" I continue, handing it to her. "Okay, I'll tell the staff" Her voice trails off, because she walks over to the 'judge' but before that she hands me back my I-D. Oh god oh god, I kept thinking. WHAT IF I SCREW UP?!
I text Marley and tell her all about it.
B- Hey Marley
M-Hey! What's up
B- I got the part but someone else went up but we have it all sorted out right now........
M- *Marleys typing*
M-  Oh, good luck:)
B- thx! But what if I mess up?
B- Okay okay😂
M- Anyways gtg, syl❤️
B- bye👋🏻
A/N: did I leave a cliff hanger with Marley and Daniel? Lol I can't tell. ALSO. I think I'm gonna start making them say stuff like:
Corbyn: HIIIII
Because idk it's just hard to keep trying to do, he said, she suggested, he yawned, she yelled. But idk I probably will do that for calls, and maybe a chapter every now and then (probably next chapter I'll do that but it's not staying like that) I'll only do it if I'm struggling with that. ANYWAYS
BIIIII CHICKS🖤-Queen chicken

 ANYWAYS BIIIII CHICKS🖤-Queen chicken••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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I live for these photos😍LIKE OMG 😭❤️😍👌🏻

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I live for these photos😍
LIKE OMG 😭❤️😍👌🏻

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