Chapter 2: Guess What?!

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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Daniel's POV (continuing)
"Can I tell them?" I asked Corbyn. He had a confused look on his face. "Tell them what?" He asked, "That you like" I slightly pointed at Brooke. I didn't want to say her name in case she heard...
"No! Don't tell her!" Corbyn whisper yelled, "Calm down bro, I meant the boys, Loren, and Marley" I replied. I slightly laughed at his reaction though.
"Fine, whatever" Corbyn said, with a stop bothering me look.
Back To Now...or whatever you wanna call it...
I could tell he was slightly annoyed with this topic. I mean, yeah he would get teased, not a lot though. "If you don't want me to tell them, I won't" I said trying to comfort him. "It's fine" he let it with a smile. "You sure?" I asked, I didn't want to tell them if he didn't want me to. "Yes, go ahead." He replied, letting out a chuckle. "Okay" I flashed a smile. I turned back to my left, "Hey, guys. Corbyn has a crush" I started. I gave him a nudge and he smiled. I think he realized he was staring at Brooke. "Oh geez" Jonah laughed. "Who?!!" Loren gasped. I could tell she was eager to hear. We were all already really close friends even though we just met like an hour ago..."We can't tell her though" I made sure they knew and then I told them. "Brooke." I finally said. Everybody's mouth dropped. "Did somebody say my name?" Brooke asked. "Uhhh, nope!" I replied quick, you could tell Brooke was confused because she had a puzzled look on her face. Once she turned back around, facing the lady on the stage who was telling her speech. It went silent. Everybody had a relieved look on there face. Marley broke the silence after a good minute or so. "Ooooooo Corbyn" she teased giggling. "W-what?" He asked, surprised by Marley. Zack started laughing. "Oh..." Corbyn realized what she meant, and blushed. "Haha" I said, poking him. He laughed. Then Brooke faced us, "wassup?" she asked smiling. As soon as Corbyn saw her, his face lit up. I tried to hold in my laugh, but being me I couldn't. I started laughing. "What?" Brooke asked, everyone started to laugh to. "Oh nothing" I replied, winking at Corbyn. He rolled his eyes at me. I realized that the lady was done talking, and it was time to go. "Hey, guys it's time to leave. The lady just finished speaking." I tried to also change the topic. "Okay" Brooke replied letting out a giggle.
Marley's POV
Daniel started laughing at Corbyn. His face lit up as soon as he saw Brooke, luckily..she didn't notice. I helped Daniel change the topic because you could tell Corbyn was very un comfortable. "Yeah, come on" I said standing up. "Okay" Brooke replied. Daniel also go up and walked with me. I like Daniel. He is just so freaken cute! I could see out of the corner of my eye that the others had got up and followed. Brooke's mom came over and wanted to take a photo of , Me, Brooke, and Loren. Of course we agreed. "Hey mum, mind if the boys join. We met them down the hall." Brooke asked. Her mom agreed and we all stood in front of a nice white wall. #Basic. We all smiled for one and then did a silly face. I then got an idea. We should all have a sleepover tonight! "Omg! Guys we should all have a sleepover tonight!" I suggested. "Yasss" Brooke agreed, along with Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, Jonah, Jack, and Loren.
"Yassss boi" Jack said, pretending to flip his long hair. We laughed and decided to make a group chat for all of us. We called it "Why Didn't We💕🔥" for no good reason. We then left the auditorium and walked down the halls. "Guys, we could have the sleepover at my place. My parents are going away tonight. They leave around 4:30" I suggest. "Yeah sure!" They all agreed. It was currently 3:15, so we had some time to get ready. 'Yassss boi' I thought to myself. "Okay, I'll text you guys my address, or does anybody need to be picked up?" I asked, as we walked out of the auditorium. I think I was smiling a lot though. "Uhh, I do" Daniel spoke up, of course Daniel had to. I could see Brooke and Corbyn trying to hold in there laughs together. I quickly gave them a 'f off ' look. "Sure, you'll have to send me the address" I reminded him. "Yeah, I'll do that later when I get home" he said, looking at the floor. I wonder why? "Okay ~cough~ " Brooke started, she mumbled under her breath but I could hear her perfectly. Being the loud person she is. She mumbled 'love birds' thank you. I mean I like Daniel, but I just met the guy.
Brooke's POV
I was trying so hard to hold in my laughter, Daniel looked at the floor as he said "Yeah, I'll do when I get home" but I could clearly see he was blushing. It's kind of weird how we're all having a "slumber" party the day we met. But we did get to know each other really well. "Okay ~cough~ love birds" I mumbled. Corbyn chuckled at my comment and then continued on with the conversation. "Brooke!" Corbyn whisper yelled, nudging my arm. I laugh. I then realized that Corbyn had put his arm over my shoulder, after he nudged me. I blushed (obviously).  "Okay, I think we should go now. We have been talking for a while" I laughed, "we still need to pack" I look down at my watch. "Shoot! I have to go guys, well I was supposed to fifteen minutes ago..see you guys after" I say, walking quickly down the hall and out the doors. As I walk down the school stairs I almost trip, but I catch myself.  At least I thought I did. I look up into a pair of light blue eyes. God, there beautiful!!!!! Corbyn, took my hand and helped me up. "Thanks" I say smiling. "No problem" he replies, I smile and we decide to text later. Corbyn is freaking adorable to be honest. Since my house is right down the street, it only took about ten minutes to walk home. Once I enter my yard, I am greeted by my dog.
My dogs name is Dean, we found him in the streets almost a year ago. "Awww, hi dean." I wave getting on my knees to pet him. Dean greeted me by licking my face, making me fall over laughing. I get up once I manage to get my dog off me. I lead Dean inside and open the door, he goes and sits in the living room. "Oh, hey mom. I'm having a sleepover at Marley's tonight" I yell as I walk upstairs. "Okay!" I hear her yell back. I start packing everything I need. Such as my toothbrush, makeup, hair blush, and some clothing. I packed within 20 minutes at least. I decided to go down stairs, get a snack, and text Corbyn.
Text Convo With 'Corbyn🔥🤘🏻'
C- Corbyn B-Brooke

B- Hey, wassup
C- Nothing much, you?
B- nope, just finished
packing though
C- same here
C- you excited for tonight?
B-yeah can't wait:)
C- lol same
B- as soon as I got home I was knocked on to floor because my dog was licking me😂
C- Zack is over,
he just asked me what
I'm laughing at.
B- Oh lol
C- I wonder what we're
gonna do
B- Knowing them were probably
End up playing truth or dare and
7minutes in heaven😩🙄
C-oh god...
B- I know right
C- I'm nervous now lmao
B- same here now that I think of it
B- I should probably go k, see you later
C- kkkkkk bye👋🏻syl
B- Bye corbs!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
Corbyn's POV
'Yesss!' I thought to myself, then I realized I said it out loud...."What?" Zach asked coming over to me. We were at my house, we came back at 3:45. "Oh, nothing" I replied, looking down at my phone. Zack then grabbed it and started running away with my phone. "ZACH!" I yelled, running after him. "Omg you texted her!" He laughed. "Give me it!" I complained, dragging the 't'. He stoped in his tracks and turned around, and nudged my shoulder while giving me my phone. "What was that for?" I asked, laughing. "You like Br-" I cut him off and run away upstairs. All I could hear was him laughing. God, he is annoying! I went and browsed on my phone until we had to go. "Corbyn! Time to go!!" Zach yelled, from downstairs. I got up and ran down stairs, "are you excited to see Bro-" He started, I cut him off. "SHUT UP ZACH!" I yelled, he burst out laughing and I gave him a 'seriously' look. And then continued walking out the door.
Marley's POV
It was time to go and pick up Daniel. I walk out the door, I had fifteen minutes to get back. Daniel had sent me the address half an hour ago, "okay, 24 fanfic street..." I mumbled to myself, I pulled out of the driveway and started driving down the street. I turned left and down the road was fanfic street. I turn on to the street and drive slowly, making sure I don't pass his house. "24!" I mumbled to myself again. I quickly pulled in and hopped out of the car. "I hope this is the right house" I whisper and take a deep breath and knock on the door. Daniel opens the door, "hey!" He greets me, signaling me to come in. "Hi!" I say, giving a little wave. "Once sec, I have to go get my bag" I hear him say as he runs upstairs. I nod and wait near the door for him to come back. I have to admit, it was a very nice house. I hear footsteps coming back down the stairs and Daniel appears. "Okay, you ready to go?" I ask. "Yep!" He replies. We walked out to the car and I open the trunk, putting his bag in. I walked back around the car and get inside. I put my seat belt on, and so does Daniel. I pull out of the driveway slowly, making sure no cars were near me. I drive down the road back to my house. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was staring at me. I blush a bit. I think he realized because he looked away. We ended up talking about random stuff. "What do you think we will end up doing?" He asked. "I dunno" I say, as I pull into my driveway. "K, were hear!" I said as I un buckled my seat belt and got out of the car. I walk up to the front door and wait for Daniel. He comes up to me as I unlock the door and smile. "The others should be here in 5." I say as I closed the door behind us. "Cool!" He says as he plops down on the coach.

Lol, my friend really wanted to read this chapter. Marley, if your reading good bro? I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THE STORY!!! GOODBYE MY CHICKEN NUGGETS!
-Brooke da chicken

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