The Past

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We all we got after everything went down ... after our parents was killed . I took care of them now, when our parents was killed I was only 16 and Kayla was about 12 and AK was 10 that was 4 years ago. I'll never forget that night ...

We had just ate dinner and my moms was getting my siblings ready for bed I did my normal walk thru of the house, I opened my little brother's door
"goodnight little nigga, you hella ugly I'll see in the morning. Dont stay up all night punk" I said.
"You ugly, goodnight sis, love you" AK said.
" love you too"
I walked out his room and shut his door , walking down the hall to my little sister room, I stood there for a minute, listening I could hear her singing. It was a everyday all day thing, I loved her voice it was so beautiful, i knocked lightly on her door
"who is it? Come in."
"It's me sis" I opened her door nd walked in,
" what you doing little girl?" I ask
"Nothing writing a new song, I want to sing it for my talent show."
"Then do it little girl, you know I believe in you and you have a voice of a angel, you know I'll come."
"Thanks big sis, I love you. You always got my back, witchu ugly self." She laughed
"I love you to little girl, and we all know who the ugly one really is. Now go to sleep we got school in the morning" I laughed giving her a kiss and walked out the room , closing her door.
I walked and turned down the hall to my room, I had the best room all the way at the end so my mom couldn't smell the weed when i was smoking before bed. My pops didn't care as long as I still listened, went to school and got good grades, and wasn't lazy.
He was just cool like that my moms would freak if she found out i was smoking let alone in the house, but I wasn't scared because pops never let her hit us unless if was some real crazy shit and to him not a lot of shit was crazy.
I grabbed my strawberry passion dove bottle,
my favorite soap was the brown sugar vanilla dove
but I only used it when I was going to see Tyrell Nash I was in love with him, but I made him wait he respected me for making him wait. I walked in my bathroom in my room and turned on the shower to hot, and started my music, Beyonce "I was here" came on I love this song .

"I want to leave my footprints on the sand of time
Know there was something that, something that I left behind... " I sung along

I started to wash my face and put my face mask on as i sung the words .
"When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won't forget..
I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here
I did, I've done, everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark, soul, everyone will know, I was here"

I started to brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror.
I loved my skin it was so smooth, I hated when I had a baby bump.
I spit and put water in my mouth then spitting it out, I got in the shower and washed up 3 times, cleaned my face. I was sleepy and ready to lay in bed and smoke a blunt.
I got out and dried off, and put my baby oil on, and my dove deodorant, then put my shorts on and tank top on, slipping my slides on I walked out the bathroom and set down on my bed and started to rolling up a wood, pops had just got some new shit its was fire,
I only needed to hit my wood a couple times alone I'd be high.
Just as i sparked my wood up,
I heard something break.
I quickly went to see if my parents was fighting again, they been fighting lately, moms want pops to stop being in the streets and wanted him to move away with us, we wasn't safe in our own home and mom knew that , she beggged him so many times to leave, she even tried to take us and leave when our house got robbed and vandalized.
They wrote in Spanish "Sangre por sangre." Meaning blood for blood.
As i made it to the steps my mom ran out her room with a gun, and 2 knives, "Winter baby i need you to listen, go get A'kharie and Va'kayla out their rooms and go to the safe room, don't open the door at all, everything you need is in there you can last for up to 3 weeks, its cameras also me and your father knows the code."
"Where is dad, wtf is going on? Why is this happening?"
" everything is fine baby dont worry just go for me please baby, i love yal" her voice cracked
Tears started to fall as she handed me a knife
" we love you to mom"
I crept down the hall to get my brother and sister,
I woke them up and made them follow me,
I went to my safe and grab my 380 my father had just gave me and enough money just in case anything happen,
my father showed us that anything could happen and you rather be safe than sorry.
We raced down to the guest bed room and opened the closet door, moving the baskets and shoes and things I lifted up the door in the floor to get into the safe room once we was in we shut and locked it .
Just as we got there I looked at the cameras, it was about 6 guys in black here, I spotted my mom walking down the back steps with the gun, it was 3 guys in my pops face, he looked like he didnt care.
They was all yelling, Another man entered the room, he hit my father in the face with the gun my father ate that shit and punched him, they all started jumping him, he took it , he laughed as he spit out blood .
I must of been watching my dad to long because when I looked back over,
my mom had killed one of the men,
but 2 of them was beating her and dragged her to the Livingroom with my father and threw her to the ground next to him. My dad grabbed my mom and whispered "I'm sorry baby, I should of listened to you i love you my queen"
"I love you to My King " was all she could get out before a hot bullet went straight thru my moms head, I started to cry as my sibling started to scream
I didnt even realize they was watching.
My father started to cry for my mom trying to wake her up but it wouldn't work, he kissed my mom head and closed her eyes. He stood up too his feet ,
"Fuck You bitch ass niggas."
all in one motion he pulled his other gun out and started to kill he only took out 2 guys and was killed by the rest of them niggas, my father body fell to the ground next to my mom, they kept shooting them it was blood everywhere...
We watched on in horror as our parent just laid there lifeless with blood everywhere.
The last 3 guys started to search the house. I was so confused
Why won't they just leave, I wanted to call 911 so bad.
But pops made it a rule never to call them besides a fire
fuck the police we handle shit on our own and if anything ever happen to my parent they would split us up and we all know i couldn't let that happen.
I watched on camera as the guys went to my parents room first, they knocked my parents wedding picture off the wall that hung over their bed .
They grabbed hand fulls of my parents jewelry putting it in their pocket, grabbing the little money my father kept under the bed.
"Go get the little bitches, we need them, they gone make the real money.
Fuck the little boy, just kill him" one of the guys said
"Don't worry Kharie and Kayla I'm not gone let them get us, I promise"
We watched as they walked thru our house looking for us, once they realize
We wasn't in our rooms they ran back to the leader I guess.
They all started to run around looking for us. Good thing I shut the closet back.
"Man, I know I heard somebody running and we clearly seen em walk in all together a couple hours ago."
"Yea we did, where the fuck did they go?" The other guy asked
"That was hours ago! Fat muthafuckas, y'all always wanna eat and shit and them 3 dumb ass done got they selves killed. Now we don't even know if they left or not, and Eric bitch ass got killed by a bitch. Shit crazy" the leader said
"Okay lets stop bitching and find the kids nigga the fuck." One of them said.
They all split up and started to look for us. One in each room.
The leader searched my room, he looked in my bathroom pushing shit over.
Then in my room under the bed, then in the closet.
He started throwing clothes down and shoes off the shelf .
The other guys did the same thing just a lot worse.
Stealing everything they could . They realized they couldn't find us. They checked almost all the rooms besides the guest room. The started pushing bathroom doors open checking their and they finally made it to the guest room, doing the same thing they just did. He looked everywhere , but couldn't find us. He stepped in the closet so he could knock the boxes down. Stepping on the door. I wasn't to worried. They only way he could get in was if he had the code or bombed us . He couldn't burn us out, it was no key only a lock on the inside..
He started to get mad and yell our names and tell us he knew we was here and to just come out .
I hugged my little sister and brother as they cried for our parents
I was crying to looking at the screen of our parent just laying there with blood everywhere holes everywhere. Things would never be the same.
I had to figure out to make them pay in the worst way .
"We just gone wait for a while to see if they come home . They cant be gone for that long." The leader said grabbing one of my father beers out the box on the table and the other man followed and did the same.
"Do you think the kids will come back? If they do who do you think is bringing them?" One of the guys said to the leader.
"They better come back Corey, I got the blood from their dad but i want the money!" He slammed his fist on the table . He was pissed off he wanted to find us so bad .
"Im about to make a call mark.
I'm about to step out" the fat guy my mom was fighting said.
The leader nodded his head "okay, I dont give a fuck. What am i your mommy muthafucka."
He turned and walked out kitchen into the Living room snapping a picture, that pissed me off so much.
I wanted to go out and kill em all but I couldn't leave my little ones.
After the fat guy stop taking pictures and made a call
"el trabajo esta hecho"
[The job is done]
he spoke into the phone to someone and they replied
"bien bien"
[Good good]
He hung up and walked off, they waited for us once the realized the couldn't get us they left, they spit on my parents and said
" we will be back for your brats we promise" slamming the door .
I looked at the outside cameras and watched them leave.

This Lovee Will KillTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang