}Night Talks With Chewbacca{
"Do you wanna have a movie hang out with Sam, Beckett and I? B just texted and him and his man are in. And before you freak out you CAN NOT tell anyone. It would just ruin the relationship. They are not out yet." I said to Dusty as we pulled out of the school parking lot.
Gym class was uneventful since I couldn't do anything and just watched people play wiffleball.
"Yeah that would be fun. Why doesn't anyone know about them?" Dusty asked looking both ways before fulling completely out of the parking lot and gettingon the main road.
"Beck said he didn't care but Sam hates that he is gay. You can totally tell he loves Beck maybe even more then Beck loves him but he is just scared of the schools reaction I guess? I don't know. His parents are totally fine though. His moms best friend is gay." I replied leaning against the door and turned slightly to watch Dusty as she drove.
"That sucks."
"Yep." I sighed and continued watching Dusty and the road.
It would be a little after three when we got home and the boys would be there around four. We were gonna order out and just watch TV until about eight. Dad was working late and mom said since I was having friends over she was going to visit one of her friends. I was still on baby duty though.
I would have asked Bentley to come over but I feel like that would be a little awkward with us there sitting next to the happy couple. Dusty and I can take it with stride. But I feel like Bentley would feel pressured? I don't know.
It think this little night will be fun though.
I am more excited for Sam and Beckett though. They can just be themselves.
Around 4 Chewy took off the couch in a huge barking fit. Bristol ran right after him and Bones lifted his head off my lap looked around bored for a second. He then got comfy again.
Alex thankfully stayed asleep in my lap Bone's nose touching his feet. I watched as Dusty got up from the couch and was halfway to the door when the bell actually rang.
Gotta love dogs sense of hearing. Alex stayed dead asleep as the dogs barked thankfully.
A couple seconds later Dusty walked in with Beckett. Chewy sniffing right at his feet.
"Hey Beck wheres Sam?"
"Who fucking knows." he sighed loudly and plopped down on the couch. He toed his sneakers off and pulled his knees up to his chest. His hand ran through his hair as he sighed again and then pulled the sleeves of his sweatshirt over his hands.
His hair was a complete mess all over the place. His eyes were a bit puffy and looked like he mentally broke down a little bit. He changed his clothes since school. He now wore a pair of Grey joggers and a black hoodie. His black Vans went right with it.
He leaned back intothe couch and Dusty took her seat on the other side of him.
"I told him about hanging out when we met in the bathroom before lunch. He was game. And then it was time to leave from school and his car is gone. His phone was either off or dead and a couple jocks gave me weird looks in the parking lot. My friend took me home so I could calm down a little bit. I changed and realized you weren't even a mile away so I took my board here. I'm sorry I am a mess but I needed to talk to someone about this and you are the only one who I can talk about this with." He looked over at me. His eyes were watering and looked like the dam was about to break. My heart broke for him.
Seven Years
Teen Fiction"You can't repair seven years with two seconds." ~^~ it has been seven years of Maci struggling to get through the tears. Seven years to try and forgive and forget. To try and just get over him. It just ended in her shoving all her feelings down to...