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"you are nothing, you useless slut !" My stepdad yelled as he was pulling on my ponytail I know why not fight back I'm Street fighter right, well if I do then I'll get in more trouble even though I've done nothing wrong.
"IM NOT USELESS"I yelled right in his ear, his eyes looked at me and more anger filled them
"WHAT THE F**CK DID U JUST SAY" HE screamed in my face I saw his hand go up in the air I closed my eyes and felt pain shoot right through my cheek then I was Chucked acrossed the room and kicked In the stomach, one,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight times before he stopped and went up to his room I just laid there crying till my mom opened the door, I did not know what to do I did not want her to find out,so I crawled into the bathroom and locked the door.
"IM HOME"she yelled so everyone knew that she was home.
"Ok I'm in the bathroom"I said trying not to sound like I've been crying for past three hours.
"Honey are you ok"she said I could hear the pity in her voice.
"I'm fine I just stubbed my toe and it really hurt" I lied really I felt as if I was ran over with a car a hundred times.
"Ok if you say so honey"she said weirdly.
_________couple___________________________hours later_______
It was 9:30 everyone has gone to bed and I got a text from Coby my fight manager.

C:can u come fight at 10:30

B:yeah sure

C:k see u then

I get on batman leggings an tee-shirt and put my hair in a ponytail, then I sneak out my bedroom window and walk to the tattoo shop underneath it is where the street fighting is, I get there in about 10 minutes.
"FINALLY" Coby yelled-whisper
He did NOT want to cause a scene​.
"Sorry, when am I up and who am I going up against"I whispered he looked away from his phone and since I was closer he could see my bruise.
"What happened to your face" he asked, I did not know how to answer I was was silent for at least five minutes before I said.
"It's nothing" I said not making eye contact.
"You are lieing I know cuz you don't make eye contact when u lie tell what happened NOW!" The last part he yelled which caused everyone to look over here and before I could answer he pulled me in the locker room.
"It's nothing just some kids at my school it no biggie"I said no biggie a little louder.
"Ok if it happens again tell me and I'll take care of them ok"he said out of pitty.
"I will don't worry, so when am I pla" I was interrupted by the microphone it said.
*Lone wolf up against shooting star*
My street fighting name is lone wolf cuz I'm a lone wolf in school.
"Go Go you are up now"he pushed me out of the locker room to see a man mid twentys I was fighting him and his name was shooting star wow just wow, I hop in the ring shook my about to be victims hand and then the guy next to us yelled into the microphone and said.
*1 2 3,GO!*
he lunged at me I stepped away and he fell I kicked him let him get up he threw a punch I doged it I round house kicked him off Earth and then jumped up and landed on his back with my elbow and I won the match.
Everyone cheered.
I went over to coby and hugged him.
"How much did I win"I asked
"300 dallors ,it's not much cuz he was a newbie"he said
"I know he was easy I got to go bye" I answered I looked at the time it was 1:55 am so I ran home and got in my PJs and got in bed.
When I got up I took a quick shower brushed my hair and got on a pair of skinny jeans and a baggie sweat shirt I do not let anyone see my face at school cuz I'm ugly, I went down stairs eat breakfast, brushed my teeth and grabbed my leather backpack and started walking to school when a really old truck/car passed with a light blue tint and it was a old Ford truck and I was awe I love old cars they are awesome
I started my way to my locker when I was slammed into the lockers and punched in the face and I knew the routine I opened my bag and got out my homework and gave it to one of the queen bees minions or manwhore and finally I was kicked in the stumach once and I tried to get up but fell instantly and tried again I was starting to get looks then I felt someone kick me in the but it was that minnon or manwhore and then I got up and headed to math and I sat in the back after a couple of hours later it was lunch and I sat in the back table in the corner and started to eat when someone said this.
"GET OUT OF MT SPOT FREAK" the one and only queen bee(Ava Murphy)
"I sit here everyday so this is my spot not yours" I said and yes I stood up for my self cuz this lunch is my only peace and quiet.
"NO!" I SCREAMED in her face and I saw her eyes change to bi**h to im going to kill you.
"YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK FREAK CUZ YOU JUST CROSSED THE LINE" SHE SCREAMED AND huffed and puffed and stormed off to her table and the rest of the day went by fast.
I went home late cuz of traffic and mom is not going to be home and my little sister isn't going to be home yet either when I walk in side I see my step father passed out on the couch and I tried to close the door really quite but I close loudly and then I heard movement in the living room and then saw my stepdad looking at my with anger.
Ok sorry for it being short and how is it plz comment and photo is her stepdad

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