Chapter three

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I woke up and tried to see who was sitting next to me but I didn't know the person or maybe I did cuz my vision is blury I closed and opened my eyes trying to get rid of the blurry ness and It worked some what and I noticed the guy he was the new kid in my grade we had history and math and art together.

°°°°°°°°°°°°flash back°°°           

I was sitting in class listening to music when the teacher stopped and got the classes attention as someone I did not know walked in and then the teacher introduce a boy my age he started to say something but the teacher interrupted him by saying.
" EVERYONE THIS IS ARE NEW STUDENT AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO HIM SPEAK ABOUT HIMSELF"He yelled even though he already had are attention.
"Hi my name is Ryder doge I live at (random address) and so yeah" said weirdly as he was looking at me he walked over to me and sat next to me and every girl was either drooling over him or giving me the stink eye for him sitting next to me I put my earphones in and zoned out not noticing someone taping my shoulder and I looked up and saw the schools queen she was saying something but my music was to loud so I said what she said something before pulling my earphones out and saying.
"Get out of my set now loser!"she said to me I just shook my head no and put my earphones in and spaced out again then the bell rang.( Guys I know that I did not put this in the second chapter and I'm sorry but here is the flashback)
°°°°°°°°°°°°°flash back°°°
"What are you doing here Ryder"I asked he looked up with a surprised look on his face I wondered why he was here and why he was surprised.
"Why so surprised"I asked a little worried.
"Your a awake omg your awake!" He a little bit yelled then hugged me happy and I'm just sitting here confused.
"Pearl Pearl she woke up she woke up!" He yelled I'm left alone in the room after he runs out, I'm confused on who Pearl is and my head is throbbing
A woman comes running in and hugs me weirdly like she knows me.
"Um who are you" I ask
"Omg I'm sorry I'm your nurse Pearl I guess I've only made friends with Ryder but I feel like I've made friends with you too sorry it's a little weird"she says a little fast.
"It's ok"I say sheepishly as she checks things to see if everything is ok she gave me a thumbs up and walk out of the room my gaze travelled around to find that no one was in the room and all the sound was the TV,Ryder must have left but why was he here to begin with.
     °°°°°°°°hours later°°
I wake up to the sound of a agrument in the door way of the room I was put in I try to get up to see who's fighting. I sit up in the bed and try to stand I use the bed to hold I let go and fall to the ground and I feel pain shoot though my left leg. I lay there listening to the conversation and it sound like one guy won't let the other guy come in to see me. I try to crawl over to the door I reach it and see that Ryder and my dad are fighting I try to stand up I almost fall but grab the bed Side and try to speak but it comes out more of a grunt that they heard and they looked at me in amazment.
"Why are you two fighting" I asked annoyed."he wants to see you even though he almost beat you to death" he yelled at me I try to get past him to stand in front of him and my dad but he pushes me back I fall and hit my left leg again in pain I ask.
"I know you are trying to protect me from my dad but your the one hurting me"I say in sorrow.
Sorry this chapter is so late. I have a lot of school work to do

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