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©2017, Olan L. Smith

The same moment Kittie sat beside her unconscious partner on an abandoned logging road, the irked Deputy Director of the FBI open the door to the honeymoon suite, and walked in and slammed down his jacket. Trish came of the bathroom and looked startled. She said, "I thought you were dead...not a word from you since you left. I'm your administrative assistant. You left me know when you are going to the bathroom, you let me know when your wife screams at you, and not a word from you or the Commissioner all night. She seemed both relieved and perturbed at the same time.

Paul replied, "I'm sorry but we didn't have the opportunity to communicate with anyone. Trish we were this close," he placed his fingers as close together as possible, "and now we are lightyears apart." To cap it all off the Commissioner is off the case and has ordered us out of the country in a weeks' time."

Trish moved over to the heart shaped bed and signed for Paul to join her. She said comfortingly, "Paul, I got closer," she touched her skin, "Ariel was here, she touched me, and talked to me."

Paul replied, "What? You mean she came to you?"

"Well, sort of. She possessed the body of the second shift concierge and spoke to me that way."

Paul looked closer at her face, she seemed more alive and younger than before, and he asked, "What did she say, and what did she do to you?" He grabbed her jaw gently and turned it from side to side; you look different.

"She made me younger, Paul; years younger. I feel thirty, but my body has the strength of a twenty year old. Look...," she open her robe to reveal her breast, "They're as perky as they were in college. I can't explain it, only that I was bemoaning to her how tired I was after the morning bachelorette festivities. Then when she left I felt younger." Paul was still staring at her perky breast when she said, "Paul! Did you hear a thing I said? She quickly closed her robe and cinched it up tightly.

Paul looked up to see her drawing a circle around her face with her right index finger, when he said, "Sorry, it is just...well...amazing. He sat up straight and said, "Yes, I heard every word, but what did she want with you?"

"She said to me that her father wanted to give us answers to the questions we are seeking, but he was not going to make it easy for us. She offered to tell me directly, but I felt it was a trap to get me to join them; she even offered to make me a goddess. Seeing what she has done to me I have no doubt she could do exactly that. I think she was going to make me answer riddles and koans, and have me chasing all over the place, so I said, no thank you, and then she was gone. The next thing I know I am waking up to this nice piece of womanhood in bed with me, and she had no idea she was possessed. If not for my youthful looks and energy I would think it was just a dream. Oh, and she did say we would figure it out on our own, eventually."

"Hmmm, I wonder if you could get her back her to speak to the two of us."

"I doubt it. If she would've wanted you to see her she would be here right now. She doesn't seem to be the type to mince words or play hide and seek. If she wants to speak to you then she will. If she wants you dead, you'd be dead."

"You're telling me a twelve year old has all this power?"

"Jesus was very powerful at twelve, if she is the daughter of two Pleiadians then she has reached the age of maturity. If we are going to do this deed, we have to play by their terms, we have to discover the connection ourselves, and that means we will have to investigate. What about your mission? What about our undercover agents, and the Inspector? Did you find out anything?"

"No, we got to the Chief of the Ktunaxa, and we were getting ready to have a chat when his medicine man blew a fine powder in our eyes, and the Chief said that we are at war, and to not come back. The next thing we know we are up on the pass in the commissioner's car and it is dark. We went back in force, but all of them were gone. We didn't find out a thing. The commissioner had enough of the duo venture and washed his hands of us, and I don't blame him. Now with using his rapid response team he will have tons of explaining to do to his superiors. I can't figure out how they just vanished like that is short period of time they had."

Trish replied, "I do. If Ariel is a part of the tribe, she could just wish them away. You're the one who wanted to go up against these godlike aliens, Paul. You will have to think like one if you are going to figure this out. Me, I have a reward of another twenty years added to my life, and I refused her. That may be our first riddle: Who gets rewarded for saying no to the gods?"

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