hey guys i am awair no body had red my other part but it's ok ....... Enny way
enjoyWHAT? a snooty arogent voice from the back off the room
I am a pure blode malfoy I refuse to have a chiled with that that .... mudblode filth
at this I was not shocked I was more shocked at what I said next
WELL YOU LITTL FERET I'M NOT SO HAPPY ITHER TO HAVE TO CARRY YOUR CHILED SO SHUT THE BLODDY HELL UP ! he looked like he had been shot .. for a breaf moment then a smirck took place a cross mis face ( ohhh I want to kill that boy)I am so sorry hermione dear Thair is nothing I can do
you no I wouldI gave her a withered smile alright so how this will worck is we will pull a hair or swab the saliva of the parents then connect them and implant the chromosomes into the femails using a speĺl now as the chiled is not natraly maid it will become a zygote almost imediotly and then you will apear to be 3 monts you shall carry said child for 4monts and then you will give birth when the child is born you will raise it for 8months and then you will all bring your child to me and I will turn them back to cells now do remember that this babe is not real so try not no get emotionally atatched thanck you
she began selecting cupoles I sat rather calmly waiting until she taped me on the sholder as well as draco I stood up not wearing to make contact I folowed then to a room at the back of the class alright hermione if you will just lie up on the table we can begin she turned to look at malfoy alright me malfoy how are we going to do this I highly doubt that you will let. me totch your hair so swab he huffed and hesititly pulled out a short white hair from his hed mumbling my father will hear about this alright now miss granger I see you will be Mutch easeyer to complye with the rules and again I am verry sorry .it's alright I said it's only a year right? she smiled nodding as I pulled a strand of hair from my long brown mop I smiled weekly handing her the strand alrightI looked up and catching the glimps of malfoy . he shot my a scowle one could only describe as deadly
I thaught about shooting a simeler glance although desided a smile would do as it was shure to piss him of more the look I reseved was shure to send shivers down even the spines of even the darkest wiserds . itbwas a look of pure hate yet you could see a glimsps of somthing els worry mabby . frustration. ...... fear?
the experiment gone right
Romance(dispracsic) dedicated to me cos .... I did this alright class the Gray haird professor in a sympathetic type of tone . now I am compleatly awair that none of you will be fond of this pradicament as ither am eye . I looked at her confused .... we...