birthmarcks and blond hair

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so I no that most of this storry is in hermiones pov .... so um.... deal with it ....pleas ....thanck you

hermiones pov

I was woke up from my deep slumber by   a rey of sun shining on my face  looking to my side I saw that thair was well no boddy  a confused  as it was 6:15
and malfoy never got up before 8 

quickly jumping up I put a hand on my stomich I was currently about how I had even managed to gain more wate icnoring the fact that i was the size of a house  slowly pacing cover to the stairs   MALFOY!? I souted  MALFOY!?
walking down the stears I shouted
a smile spred across my face as I covered my mouth a little with anoyance but mostly just laughter 
Thair he lay  spred across the couch books covering his muscular pail chest  stroling over I saw the empty bottle of fier whisky a glas laying near his loosend grip
another bottle lay on the flore droplets spilling from the nozel retching down I stood up the bottle taking the other and the glass from my vew over to the bin and in thay went  I walked back over picking up the blue fluffy blancket from the chair near us laying it over top of him  and with that he awoke in a starteled  shake  granger. he said confused almost like a question
yes I was  sorry to wake you I um was only covering you up 
I'm um I'm sorry  . he just growled and said don't cear granger just don't toutch me I let out a long held in sigh before scrunchinh my fists You no malfoy you don't have to be sutch a arss
HE looked at me started  excuse you he said . no I exclamed no excuse you I don't want to do this probibly 10 times as much as you do ok but we need to ok and I no it's hard putting your arogans behind but pleas malfoy at this he got up and stormed of to our room slamming our dore shut
I saught it was best to leve him for a while so I maid breckfast  this spasific morning I did not feel like porige but I had a craving for apple danishes curios I thaught as I lay out the ingredients  

20 minets latter the oven went ding and the sweet aroma off apple and cinimon filled the air dusting with icing sugger I put one on a plate scoffing it in less than a moment a thaught crossed my mind putting a pastry on a plate  and putting the plate on a tray I pored a mug of hot coffie  also in the tray a note on the side

don't me a arss and I won't be a " bossy pants" as you call me deal

walking to the dore I chped and placed down the tray and ran pecking round the cornor  the tray dissapered  .

about 10 minets had passed when a pece of papercame threw the bottom of the dore


looking down I smiled

about a hour had passed  and I desided I wanted to get dressed and go for a walk

standing up and pacing to  the room shaping the dore softly no response
so I chaped again   again no response so I slowly opend the dore  astonishment to se malfoy asleep I laughed quietly  walking over to my wardorbe pulling out a pair of stretchy jeens and a gray oversizes jumper  that folded over my sholders pulling off my oversized top over my head and striping down my pants . nice birthmarck granger he said referring to the pail hart shaped marck on my left ...cheak..... quickly using my hands to cover up my boddy I turned  grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head before grabbing my stuff and walking to the nursery . I paced back and forth before butting on my clothes and walking out side and into the bathroom  doing a spell quickly fixed my hair and  make up
walking out to the living room I paced over to  the large book shelf thay occupied the corrnor skimming my finger over the hard spines     closing my eyes and once again letting my self forget that was untill   I heard foot steps and that all nown blond hair came into my vew be continued 


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