a blaze of lies

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dracos pov

I was currently pacing the halls  well I gess you could call it speed walking even thow it was more like running my intent was to get to blaze he could help me   I did not no with what he could hellp me with  exactly but I did no I defiantly could not fix it my self  . I stoped at  his and pansys place  chapping on the dore    no aswer so I empayantly knoked till my knuckles whear purple  murmered shuffled footsteps  and a angry looking pansy stood at the dore scoweling up at me   draco I don't n...... whears blaze I cut in    he is in the.... ok I cut in again storming past her and into the kitchen whear stood a tired looking blaze 
I need your hellp mate.
o..h kaaaay he said  boat shocked  an confused     I turned around to see a angry hevvy pregnant familiar pug   go on then mate a raspy voice came from my side um .... in privet. 

she stormed off hands  on her hips   he laughed    as she dissapired from our vew. I inhaled app deep I swear I felt my rib pop  . ok I said   mate spit it out whats up with you   i.. well mate thats the thing I don't no whats up with me   ok he said  who is she.. what I said confused  who is he? he said questionably WHAT.NO. ok ok sorry I I just had to no    is it ....  um now don't  hex me but is it granger?  WHAT NO BOW DAIR YOU  acuse me of  liking that  no it all that anoying hairy annoyingly short thing  I mean why is she so short what happend   and her hair  sleaky easy is so easy to find and even if she cant  what about a hair brush  her stupid eyes why are thay so dam shiney and why can't thay be 1 coulor why do thay have to be green and brown and burnt gold why   and why dose she have so meany freckles its anoying oh and she  spekes me to me like we are equles whitch I no from experience you don't do   and  oh.... and to top it of she is so moody all the time and  she won't whair a blancket when it's cold and it frustrates me beacase sh...i mean the babe might get cold and  and I just   every thing about her is just ... so ....  frustrating
when I finished my vent he looked at me with a glair of utter triumph ajar his face  .
what I murdered what .. !
well he said I am just interred you see usualy when you speek about granger that way you  stuff in as meany I hate hers as you can also you throw in the occasional mudblod  . but you never once  said ither . it's just  a tad ... discombobulating  .  well i hate to burst your bubble however thair is a pritty sympal explanation for that

and that woudl be .....
well me and granger have a agreement I don't call her a mud blode and and she dose not all me a fairit
hmpf he saif smiling well I don't no if you realise mate but she isn't hear 

I suppose I said  
what should I do mate
I don't n...
you should tell her how you feel  a small tired voice holered from behind
spinning around on the heels of my designer shoe I came face to face with pansy  what do you mean what I feel I will put  it this way draco.   if I was her I woud want to no 
. no what I said confused  blaze laughed from behind me  MERLINS BEARD WILL SOME BODY TELL ME WHO I'M TELLING WHAT !
   he slapedw me on the arm jokingly
   before placing boath hands on my sholders  face the facts mate as mutch as I hate to say and I no you will hate it to but i thinck you may fancy granger a little   at this I stood bakc a look of shear terror on my face   NO I said  no no no no dont even dair acuse me of liking that that. in my  mind I new I had to say that name that name that god awfl word  . I pursed my lips in order to say it . but the words wouldn't leve my lips so I stoped looked him in the face and said simply  no   before spinning on my heal and walking out and down to our  dorm  I needed somthing to wake me up   I mean thats the only reasonable explanation ... right I can't like that anoying no it all it's well it's simply impossible  finaly I got to the dore of our dorm and hovered my hand over the handle   slowly I pulled the dore open to revele the warm  familiar smell   I walked threw to the kitchen  and Thair she stood   bushy hair that smelled like it looked like warm cinimon and vinila .... whate what am I thinking her descusting bushy hair  dose. not smell like ennythinh she is boring and  I ha..
why can't I say it beacase I do beleve it .... don't i . I stood in doubt as I sliped the warm liquid from my mug 
as the curiosly obsurd thaught crossed my mind . dont....i

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