Chapter 1

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Liam had never seen himself as someone who would seek revenge, he had never seen himself as someone who would do something just to annoy someone who had annoyed him, but here he was.

He knew that Scott hadn't meant to annoy him, he hadn't meant to make Liam feel bad or upset him, he just wanted Liam to know that he was there for him, that he could count on him. However, Liam already knew that and Scott hadn't used the best approach, so Liam hadn't been exactly happy about it.

Saying that Liam could rely on him was okay, reminding him that he wasn't alone was okay too, but touching the Hayden subject in a way that made it seem like Liam was a little boy who couldn't deal with heartbreak, and saying it with a voice coated with pity and something else that made it look like Liam was a time bomb that could explode at any moment, that wasn't okay. Liam didn't like it one bit.

Scott shouldn't treat him like that, it wasn't right. He was worried, but he should deal with it in a different way, not making Liam feel like a little kid, or at least that was what Liam thought.

That's the reason why he was doing this right now, he wanted Scott to be annoyed, he wanted him to be pissed off and, in a way, he wanted him to hurt. If Scott thought he was a little kid, then he would show him just how childish he could be by acting in a vengeful way.

Maybe he was going a little too far, doing this couldn't possibly be a good idea, there is no way in hell it was a good idea, but that knowledge just made it more appealing to Liam's plan.

Scott would feel hurt and angered and, at the same time, Liam would get to show him that he can deal with heartbreak and that Hayden is out of his life, that's for sure. It wasn't a good idea, but it was perfect.

Slamming the door behind him, Liam entered the house like a hurricane and climbed the stairs two at a time, even though he knew that the plan was perfect to piss Scott off, he feared he might talk himself out of it if he took too long to set the plan in motion. He was in his room in under a minute.

"I need you to be my boyfriend," he said the moment he entered.

Theo raised his eyes from the book he was reading, sitting on the chair in front of Liam's desk, his eyes found Liam and he squinted at him, confused about what he was saying.


"I need you to be my fake boyfriend," Liam repeated.

Theo looked at him weirdly, eyebrows raised and a doubting look in his eyes.

"Is this some kind of plan to keep tabs on me and make sure I don't lash out and kill someone?"

"No," Liam scoffed. "Of course not."

"Good, because keeping me in your house is enough," he offered a sarcastic smile.

"You didn't have anywhere to go anyway, at least like this you have a ceiling above your head, clean clothes, warm water and good food."

Theo looked at him, unimpressed.

"What?! Want me to thank you for keeping me trapped like a wild animal in a zoo?"

"You can get out of the house," Liam rolled his eyes, it wasn't the first time they had this conversation.

"Yeah, and if I'm out for longer than an hour I have you calling me or following my scent to find me, not much difference."

"We're just being cautious," Liam sat in the bed.

"You call it being cautious, I call it being paranoid."

"We're getting out of topic," Liam grumbled.

"Right, back to that. You want me to be your boyfriend?" He asked.

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