Chapter 5

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Tension is something Liam was familiar with, with Ghost Riders and hunters and all kinds of different threats breathing down his neck it was something he knew well, but this kind of tension was different and, in a way, more unsettling.

Inside Theo's truck, the air was heavy, the prospect of what would happen next hanging above their heads like a guillotine ready to fall on their necks. Neither Liam nor Theo were talking, Liam didn't know what he was supposed to say, talking to Theo had never been this difficult before, and he guessed that Theo was having the same problem since he wasn't making an effort to start the conversation.

Starting this fake relationship had probably been one of the worst ideas Liam has had all his life. Thinking back, it seemed silly to have started this just to annoy Scott, Liam should have listened to Theo when he tried to talk him out of it. If he had, then they probably wouldn't be on this awkward, tense situation right now.

Why were they so tense, anyway? They were supposed to be laughing over a job well done, they were supposed to be joking and making fun of the way the pack fell for it, but Liam should already know that when it came to him and Theo and their fake relationship nothing ever went as it was supposed to go.

Just like they hadn't talked in the truck, they didn't talk when they got out of it, nor when Liam opened the front door to the house, nor when they were climbing the stairs to Liam's room.

It would end where it started. In Liam's room, the only witnesses being the posters on the walls.

"I guess we have to talk," Theo started, sitting on Liam's bed.

"We do," Liam gulped.

"It went well. They all believed it, Scott regretted the way he treated you and he probably will never throw Hayden at you again. We should be celebrating."

"Why aren't we?" Liam asked, hoping that Theo would have the answer.

"I don't know," he sighed. "I guess the reason why it started doesn't seem as important anymore."

Liam didn't answer, he didn't know how to. Theo was right, the reason why it had started didn't seem as important, not when there were feelings other than annoyance crawling up his chest.

"Then what's important?" Liam walked to the bed a sat cross-legged next to Theo.

"You tell me. This was your plan, you asked me to help you piss Scott off and we did it. That was the goal all along, why isn't hitting the goal important anymore?"

"I guess I think it was a silly idea now."

"I told you that it was a bad idea before we started it."

"I know you did, you were right," he rolled his eyes and Theo's proud smirk made him smile slightly.

"Of course I was."

Liam hesitates before talking, what he would say next could make things even worst.

"I think it's not important because there are other things to think about. Things that mean more than some childish revenge."

"What things?" Theo gulped and Liam was surprised to see how nervous he looked.

He was probably dreading what Liam was going to say, Theo was never nervous so Liam decided that it would be better if he just stayed silent.

"That's not important to the conversation right now," he shook his head. "Anyway, you're a really good actor, everyone believed that you truly care about me."

Liam was startled to see Theo's eyes turn cold, he felt his heart clench when he saw the walls building up around Theo, keeping him outside. It was like he had said something Theo hadn't wanted to hear, but then again, if not what he had said what was he supposed to say? Tell Theo he liked him?

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