Chapter 4

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Saying goodbye is never an easy thing, you know you will miss the person you're saying goodbye to, you know you won't see them as often and you know that the relationship or friendship there is between you won't be the same.

Lydia, Scott and Malia were leaving Beacon Hills, just like Stiles had done months ago, they were leaving and, although they would visit and keep in touch, everything would be different because they won't see each other every day or be at a ten minutes distance away.

Saying goodbye to them would be hard, Liam would miss them and there was sadness already spreading across his chest.

But there was also something else worrying Liam, something that would also come with them leaving, something that was making Liam feel empty and apprehensive.

He and Theo had decided that dropping the act right before they left wouldn't do them any good, it would just make the pack feel betrayed and they didn't want that, so continuing to pretend for a little while longer had been the best option. They would keep acting until they were out of Beacon Hills and then they would end this pretend thing and possibly tell Mason and Corey the truth since it would be harder to fool them while being in the same city.

One thing was certain, though, their pretend relationship would come to an end and Liam had mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, he was glad it was ending because lying to Scott and the others hadn't been as amusing as he had thought it would be. He was also glad that he wouldn't be hung up on something that wasn't real, wishing for it to be something more and feeling his heart crack a little bit every time Theo held his hand with the promise of the act being fake hanging in the air. He didn't want to live in a relationship that was fake and where his feelings weren't reciprocated. All in all, it wasn't fair to anyone, so it would be for the best that it came to an end.

But, on the other hand, Liam didn't want to let go of all the things and feelings he had experienced while doing it. He didn't want Theo to stop touching his cheek softly, he didn't want him to stop playing with his fingers and he didn't want him to stop kissing his head. He didn't want to stop feeling Theo's affection on his skin every time they touched. He didn't want it to end.

However, this moment, the moment the pack was standing in front of the school, ready to say their goodbyes, the ones who were leaving looking nostalgic at the building, this moment was the beginning of the end.

Lydia was the first.

She hugged Liam, a kind of motherly smile on her face. She told him to be careful and focus on his anchor when he thought something was too much, her eyes shifting to Theo when she told him that last part. She made sure he knew that he could call her anytime he needed advice and to just be happy and enjoy being in high school while he could.

Malia was next.

She slapped Liam's arm playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes when she told him to have fun. A wink in Theo's direction not leaving any room for doubt about what she had meant by "having fun". Then, with a serious expression, she told him that he wasn't alone, that even though they would be far, they would still be there for him whenever he needed.

Scott was the last and hardest one.

Theo had been right when he said that Liam looked up at him like he was his older brother. Scott had helped Liam and had been there for him through a lot, so it was normal that Liam felt like that. Saying goodbye to him was really hard, Liam had gotten so used to his presence, to the certainty that he could just go to his house if he needed something, that seeing that possibility slipping away was painful.

Scott hugged him longer than Lydia had done, he gripped Liam tight like he would miss him too, and Liam actually had to force traitorous tears down his throat to make sure they wouldn't escape.

"Take care of yourself, yeah?" Scott asked him.

"I will, don't worry."

"If you need anything don't hesitate to call us."

"Keep in touch, don't forget us," Liam asked in return.

"I wouldn't be able to, even if I tried," Scott laughed.

Liam grinned at him, shaking his head a little.

"Theo," Scott called.

Theo looked at Liam with a raised eyebrow and Liam shrugged, not knowing what Scott wanted to tell Theo. It was scary. He could literally say anything and Liam was worried that it would be something that would blow their cover or make Theo feel uncomfortable.

"Keep an eye on Liam, will you? Make sure he's safe," Scott asked him and Liam didn't know if he was relieved that that was the question or if he wasn't.

Theo smiled, a smile that seemed so real not even Liam would question it if he didn't know about the act behind it. He looked at Liam for a moment, the smile still plastered on his face and he grabbed Liam's waist, pulling flush into his chest. One of his arms curled around Liam's body, hand resting on his lower back the other finding Liam's to intertwine their fingers.

"I will keep him safe, no matter what," he leaned down and kissed Liam's head.

His heart didn't skip, Liam's heart was skipping enough for both of them anyway, but Theo was able to control his heart to not give away a lie.

Surprisingly, - or not so much since it was Scott, - Scott smiled at Theo warmly.

"I know you will, I can see that you wouldn't let anything happen to each other," Liam blushed, hiding his face on Theo's chest and hoping it would pass along with the rest of the act. "But if you hurt him, I will come for you."

"I won't hurt him, Scott, he is too important."

It sounded like the truth, it felt like the truth, it was the truth to everyone else, but Liam knew that the act behind it was the same one that was behind Theo's smile and he didn't dare to hope.

There was a glimmer of surprise in Scott's eyes, he hadn't been expecting Theo to be so forward with his feelings for Liam, to reassure him with such conviction in his voice, but he was glad that Theo had changed for the better and was loving Liam the way he should.

The conversation didn't last much longer, they parted after some more words and hugs were shared.

As the cars drove away, the weight of guilt over a lie, of the sadness over parting friends and of the pain over an ending relationship that wasn't even real in the first place, was heavier than Theo's arm around his shoulder.

And Liam could only dread the inevitable conversation he would have with Theo once Mason and Corey left and they were behind closed doors inside Liam's house.

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