#5 Backseat Serenade*Song*

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a/n: Based of the song by All Time Low. Seriously, they are an amazing band.

Ashton: Lazy lover find a place for me again

Your relationship with Ashton had been a relaxed one. It was more of a friendship with lots of pda, honestly. But then one day, it just ended. Out of nowhere, a terrible fight. Horrible, words thrown that shouldn't have been used to describe either one of you. This brings us to now, Ashton was parked outside your house. He had been for the past hour. You were almost always home by now. When you finally stumbled back with a large group of friends, some of the boys getting frisky. This didn't comfort him, he wanted to see you broken, so that he could fix you, and now, all he wanted was a place in your world again.

Michael: Oh God, I'm sick of sleeping alone

Michael turned over in bed, wide awake. He had counted and this was the 100th time he had tossed and 20th time he had turned in the big bed. Crawling to the other side, he inhaled in the pillow. Your scent hung faintly. He moaned at the rose scented pillow. The covers not being as warm as they had been. He was sorry. He was beyond sorry. He missed you, his tears splashing onto the pillow. His calloused fingers reached out for you, but caught air. Cold, hard, air. His body curled up tight into a ball, God, he was tired of sleeping alone.

Luke: You had me at come over boy, I need a friend

You hiccupped through tears, glancing at the clock. Luke would be hear any minute, any minute to comfort you. He would do anything for you, and you were grateful for a friend like Luke. As you tried to wipe your eyes, Luke walked in. His arms were full with bags stuffed full. "You said come over, so here is every kind of cookie I could find, and here's Mean Girls, I know you like that." He sat things down on the table, and crossed over to you, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He was wrapped tightly around your finger, and you couldn't even see it.

Calum:you felt it once before I know you did, I could see it

Calum hung in your doorframe, stretched out across the entire distance. His hands gripped the sides, his face wrinkled in frustration. He didn't understand how you could just stop loving someone. How could you just wake up and decide that you didn't want him anymore? Cut him off completely? The coldness radiating off you made him shiver. "Why are you here?" you choked out, already regretting your decision, but too proud to admit it.

"You felt it before, you loved me before, I'm not giving up, because somewhere you love me too. And I'll wait as long as it takes for you to find it."

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