Chapter One

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Disclaimer -

This books comes straight from my fucked up brain, Lol. SO please don't steal my ideas.

Don't go and rewrite exactly what I wrote and claim it as yours. The pictures I will be using are not mine they belong to others so if I use something that belongs to you ask kindly for me to remove it without any rudeness, etc.






-ALSO this book will be a Stud On Stud if you don't like it. You can leave.

With all this being said we can officially say that I warn you.

- Enjoy

Pt One


"Being in a love triangle is not all it's made out to be. It's full of endless love, pain heartbreaks , and impossible decisions". Its sad because I am going through the same shit right now. Except it's like a Square.. but is also a Triangle. I don't know if I can really explain it but, care to join me on this weird ride to find out?

I groaned lowly when my alarm starts to go off. "Fuck n**** blockin' my shine. I know the reason you feel the way. I know just who you wan' be. So everyday I thank the man upstairs. That I aint you and you aint me. Get of my dick." Wait.. that's not my alarm. I moved around on the bed before I sat up roaming around with my hands until it lands on my phone. It was ringing, I looked at the caller ID my facial expression changed from confused to pissed. Not because of the person whos calling but at the time they were calling. I answered and instantly regretted it.

"Mane do you know wh-.."

"Bitch I know damn well you is not still sleep, open the fucking door yo" My bestfriend screamed through the phone before hanging up.

Who the fuck do she think she is calling my phone all early and shit yelling in my damn ear. Not my damn mama that's what I fucking thought. Now I'm going back the fuck to sleep and she can stay her dusty ass out there. Bitch ass should've asked nicely. Over h-...

"AHHHH! FUCKKKK~" I screamed jumping off the bed my body trembling. I looked over at my bed that is now soaking wet. I moved my gaze from the bed and towards the door. I grew angry when I saw my Bestfriend standing there with a bucket in her hand. Her face filled with amusement as well with a Kool-Aid smile.

"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?!?! How the hell did you get into my house and~ WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM??"

"Calm the fuck down that's one. Two didn't I tell yo burnt black ass to come open the door for me?"

I sucked my teeth bending down grabbing my shoe throwing it at her head but she dodged it. "Bitch Its too damn early for this. Da' hell do you want?"

"Gon' brush ya damn teeth" She backed up making a face before blocking her nose. "Do allat hygiene shit then come downstairs and don't come down with that same stank attitude. Its someone downstairs "

I stared at her before taking a deep breath. "Simba who the fuck did you just br-"

"BITCH STOP QUESTIONING ME AND GO BRUSH YOUR DAMN TEETH" She screamed cutting me off pushing me toward the bathroom, locking it and closing it.


I finished showering and washing my hair. I put on my undergarments and began to walk out my room forgetting Simba told me she brought company.

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