Chapter Two

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"Aye Nit wake up" I felt someone shaking me out of my sleep.

I moaned and turned over on my stomach pulling the covers over my head. "Mane go away fuck."

She grabbed at my covers and i did the same trying to keep it in place but i failed landing on the floor along with the cover with a loud thud.

"Ahhh shit!! Mane what THE FUCK JAYME??" My voice raise with each word that came from my lips.

I heard soft laughter causing me to grow angrier. I sat up on the floor and grabbed her leg pulling it making her fall on her ass. Her laugh was replaced with a loud scream.. Ive never heard anything like it. It was very loud and girly. I blocked my ear with my fingers until she was done screaming and moved them rolling my eyes. 

"My ass.." Jayme spoke softly. From the corner of my eyes i can see her lips poked out.

"My bad." I got up and held my hand down to her. She looked at me for a few before she grabbed it and i pulled her up. I sat back on my bed and stared at her. She stared back in silence.

I cleared my throats. "What did you want?"

"Simba told me to wake you up. We going to the mall."

"I don't wanna go." I laid back on the bed grabbing the covers off the floor and pulled it back over my head. I heard nothing for what seemed like forever. I pulled the covers from over my head revealing Jayme only a few inches from my face, her arms on each side of me.

"Wh-What are you doing?? Get off me mane" I turned my face to the side and tried moving from underneath her but she gripped my waist keeping me still. I clenched my jaw and looked at her.

"Get up , get dressed she's almost hea'." Her voice was too girly to take serious and her accent replace her regular soft tone. She looked serious but all i could focus on was her lips.

Those again..

"Ya got it?" I stared at her and nodded slowly.

Wait what the fuck.. did i just say yes? Oh fuck no. It's fucking 9:34am.

"W-Wait I mean no-.."

"Nah too late." She chuckled and got up off me and made her way toward the door. "30 Minutes." She winked and walked out my room closing the door after herself.

I groaned face palming myself and got out of bed with a deep sigh. "Good fucking job Nit."


I pulled my shirt over my head looking in the mirror. I sigh not satisfied with what i got on. I looked back at my bed which was now covered in shirts.

"Black pants .. red Jordan's.. but what shirt?" I mumbled to myself. A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

I stepped over some of the shoes on the floor and open the door.

"From the looks of things Imma guess you not ready" She raised her eyebrows before letting herself in my room looking around then picked up a red Jordan shirt.

I screamed jumping up and down smiling. "Yes, yes this one!!" I snatched it from her putting it on and looks at myself and smirked. "What's cooking good lookin'?" I pulled my hair into a messy bun on top of my head and looked over at Jayme who just stared at me with a wide grin on her face.

"Bitch the fuck you smiling for??" I squish up my face looking at her.

"Oh nothing. Let's go." She got up off my bed and made her way out my room.

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