Chapter Eight

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She kept staring down at me  and honestly it was starting to piss me off.

"You gon say sum mane?"

"So this who the fuck you leave me for? A stud, I mean shit if that's what you wanted you could've told me. Look at me now.. all this could've  been for you."

I sucked my teeth. "Gon with ya shit, cant you see I'm tryna have dinner with this fine lady I front of me or are you that blind that you cant see that?"

"Mane what the fuck is going on?" Jayme butt in looking confused as ever.

Stay strong mane just keep your asshole attitude up and don't show no emotion.

"Yall know each other?"

"Well duh captain obvious! That's my ex, the one I've been telling you about."

"O-Oh shit mane I'm so sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck is you sorry for? Me and shorty done. You can go on a date with whomever you want to."

Archie chuckled and shock her head. "You really gon treat me a a nobody. Like you wasn't just in love a couple of months back."

"That's the fucking past why you got come up in here talking bullshit yo. That shit is done, now if you will excuse us we don't want our food to get cold." I turned around from her letting out a deep breath that I was holding in. I lowkey felt bad in the inside but right now I don't care. Right now all I want in my insides is this yummy ass food.

"No this not how this shit is gonna go. I've been calling, texting." Tears were forming in her eyes and I sighed .

Mane gone now with that sap ass shit.

"Y-You said we could be friends. I was okay with that, I wasn't begging for anything. I wanted nothing more than to just talk to you. Know that you were doing okay. I had to ask your friends, who also grew tired of me and stopped texting back also."

I stared at her shaking my head and got up out my seat and started walking out the restaurant. She just ruined my damn night, my first date.

I made my way outside and pulled my phone out clicking on my Uber app. One minute I was typing away on my screen and the next my phone was flying to the ground. I stared at it as it dropped and shattered and took slow deep breaths. My heart was beating real fast and my whole body was shaking. My ear felt hot and I bite down on my bottom lip chuckling lowly.

I blinked a few times staring at my phone. I looked away from my now broken phone and looked at  Archie who was now backing away from me.

I laughed and reached over grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and held her up against the wall. I kept staring at her, do I wanna beat this bitch ass or what? Shit where is Jayme?

She looked down at me with fear, I shock her a bit pulling her off the wall slamming her back against the wall clenching my jaw.

"What the fuck is your problem trick??"

"Y-Your my problem you dumb ass! You made me like this! You did this to me!"

"Bitch ian do shit to your ass mane. You did this to yourself. Who the fuck do you think you are walking up on me like you just did. You broke my fucking ph-.." I paused for a second and laughed slamming her against the wall once more with more force. She whimpered and her cries got louder.

"Shut that pussy ass shit up! Bitch you wasn't crying and allat when you came out here with them big balls throwing my phone like you the motha' fucking shit. Fuck happened?"

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