Chapter Five

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*This chapter will be very short*


It's been 3 weeks since Jayme came to stay with me. We've been hanging around each other more. Mostly just laying and watching Tv shows and Movies. We would go out and eat but it wouldn't just be us. Most of the time Simba and Khai was there.

"Baby!" Jayme screamed once she came into the house.

Before y'all nosey ass bitches get any ideas no we not dating and we are no where close. She's just started calling me that a couple days back but i just ignored her most of the time. She probably out here calling all ha luh female friends baby , shorty and allat shit.

"Mane why you choose to ignore me like that?"

I looked back at her rubbing my tummy and pointed towards the kitchen putting on a fake smile.

"I just came home from work. You were off today. You should be going to cook me food."

I sucked my teeth. "How was work?"

"Good made a lot of costumers thanks for your shout out."

Jayme opened up her own tattoo shop. She has at least 5 of them in about 10 states right now. I figured why she moved down here , she was opening a new shop and wanted to work in it to make extra money and because her families were close.

"Mhm your welcome, You down for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah where we going? " She pushed my legs apart and climb in between them, laying her head directly on my pussy. She's also been doing this. I just let her now because she really will put up a fight for hours and i'm not in the mood for a debate, plus she always wins.

"I wanna have it here me and you can cook or we can order something , Simba and Khai will be here of course."

She nodded and mumbled something.

"Whatcha say?"

"I said i rather eat you."

I stared down at her wide eye , my stomach doing flips. My heartbeat picked up and i slowly started moving back away from her. She's said this before and last time she said that, she tease the fuck outta me and left me there the whole night hot and bothered.

She noticed that i was moving and grabbing on my waist digging her nails in my skin. I hissed and bite my bottom lip looking down at her m. She stared up at me with her eyebrows frowned. She looked confused... maybe i should just act normal and hope she forgot what happened last time.

"Why ya move Serenity?"

"N-no reason my ass was hurting , had to move a bit."

She stared at me for a bit before sitting up and climbing off of me and off the couch. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes.

I thought she had left, boi i was wrong. I felt her weight come back on top of me but this time we were face to face. My heart beat picked up as i stare in her eyes.

"What's up with ya..? You seem tensed."

"I'm n-not"

Fuck bitch stop stuttering.

She placed her hand on my stomach her nailed rubbing up and down my bare skin.

Where the fuck did i put my shirt? Why was off in the first place??

I looked down at her hand keeping my bottom lip tugged in between my teeth. She places her hand under my chin and lifted my head up. Our eyes meet once again, she leaned in keeping her eyes locked on mine. The feeling of her soft lips brushing up against mine caused me to close my eyes almost immediately.

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