Chapter 3. Suspension

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( unedited x3)

I slammed my hands on the counter. "It's not my fault!" My dad and Mom eyed me, Slender beside them. "Your first day, And you get suspended?!" I fix my eyes on my dad's. Those black eyes, small red pupils. Kind of reminded me of a game- Luna? I think?Or Amnesia? "Hazel!" My mom snapped. I met her gaze, snapping back to attention. She sighed heavily and my dad shook his head. "This was your responsibility. I'm dissapointed." Slendy added. With that, they left the living room. Probably discussing punishments.

After I made sure they left I began to cry. Of course I'd get blamed. No one believed anything I say anymore. Can I not be trusted? I haven't done anything wrong- except for the few times me and Jeff would dump ice down Hoodie's or Masky's shirts while they slept. I laughed a little. Me and Jeff were always pranking them. Like last week Jeff and I got a fan, filled it with whipped cream and turned it on in Jack's room. After that Jack chased Jeff, Jack covered in whipped cream, knife raised and yelling curse words outside- while I laughed watching Jeff run.

So fun.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled. That girl deserved it. After I had stopped beating her, her two friends got help. I learned that her name was Angelica and her two friends were summer and Kate. The popular ones. They got all the cute guys- all the attraction and attention- and they were wealthy. So wealthy- it made me want to punch Angelica again. Again. And again. To replay- taking the chair and bringing it down. Hearing her crys. Her pathetic friends standing and watching in horror. So helpless. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about them. How I'd love just to see Angelica's face smashed in. Grotesque and bloody.

I caught myself thinking like this. What was I saying? I would never hurt someone but- today. Today was just a reflex right? Right. I won't turn out like Jeff or Jack or anyone like that. I won't kill. Killing the innocent is absurd. I have to forgive them. I just need to calm down and forget about this. Anyway- I'm suspend for 5 days anyway- so I won't have to worry about Angelica for a while. Or her two sidekicks.

I'd been in such a trance I didn't see Jeff in front of me, waving his hand like an idiot to catch my attention. "A-a-what?" I said, meeting his eyes. My tone was a little annoyed. "Well fuck," he chuckled. "What's got you upset?" I groaned. "I got suspended today." Jeff looked schocked. "On your first day?" I nodded. "Well what did you do that was so bad? I bet you just back talked-" I cut him off. "I uh. I beat a girl with a chair..." Jeff grinned a bit then tried to get a little bit more serious- which only made his face scrunch up weirdly. "That's awesome. Why would you get suspended for that?" He laughed. "But- you actually hurt someone?" He asked. I nodded.


"Why weird?"

"Cause usually Not Very into violance."

I shrugged, dodging the question. It was quiet before Jeff cracked a large grin, stretching his cheeks. "What's with the stupid look?" I tried to ask without laughing.

"I know what will make you feel better, me, Hoodie, Masky and Jack are going to go to the carnival tonight. Wanna come with me- like. Like no not a date. Just like as family." He blushed a little witch raised my suspicion. I chuckled a little and nodded. He clapped his hands together. "Sweet," Jeff dropped his smile and pointed above my head. "Spider!"

I jumped and squealed. I have very bad arachnophobia. Spiders just creep me out- with their long spiked legs and mandibles- and furry body's. "Where!?" I screamed. Jeff laughed and pet my head. "Just kidding!" He said before walking off outside- probably to check on Smile. "You dirty bastard." I laughed. Tonight is going to be interesting. How exciting!

What would I wear- what would people think? I was so pumped. I could see more people! Maybe not as many like Angelica. Smiling, I walked up the steps. Sally can help me dress nicely. I got to the top and knocked on her door. "Sal? May I come in?" The door twisted and Sally greeted me with a large smile, but her smile slightly faded and she whispered; "I heard what happened. But if you do it again, it'll be our secret." She winked and giggled. I laughed aloud.

"Jeff is taking me to this carnival thingy and I-" Sally squealed and pulled me into her room, shutting the door behind me. She grinned deviously. "JEFFY IS TAKING YOU SOMEWHERE?! OOH HAZEL IM GONNA TELL EVE-" I put my hand over her mouth. "Shhh! No sal! Between me and you! Mom and Dad...Maybe even Slendy probably don't want me out probably because of the school incident..." Sally licked my hand, making me jerk my hand back and wipe it on my pants. "Ewww." I stuck my tongue out as she laughed. "Okay, okay I won't."

I smiled. "Then can you help me get ready? Like what to wear?" She gasped and nodded rapidly. "Last time I got to dress someone up was when your mom asked me the same thing!" She giggled and began starring at me. Making dramatic thinking noises like, "hmm..." Or "oh I see..." She snapped her finger. "I got this!" She dug Into her closet and pulled out, black skinny jeans. (Nice choice) a black shirt and a white hoodie. And pulled a pair of black and white converse out. "I could have picked that out myself sal...I usually wear that stuff so ill just-" Sally waved her hands. "No! I want you and Jeff to match!" Then I got the reference.

Black pants. Black shirt. White hoodie and converse.

I laughed and shrugged. "Okay." She jumped and squealed and allowed me to changed. I felt like Jeff. This hoodie was a bit big. I shrugged. "Too bad you don't have black hair..." Sally said, looking me up and down, checking to see if the outfit she created was perfect. I grabbed my blonde hair and stroked it dramatically. "But-but- I love my hair!" I laughed. She laughed too. Together we did my makeup and straightened my hair. I was ready.

Now just to wait until it's time.

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