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I am nearly bouncing in my seat when we park. I haven't been to an arcade in years. I hop out of the car. When I don't hear the passenger side door open and close, I stand in front of the headlights and place my hands on my hips. When Nate still doesn't move, I sigh and throw my hands in the air.

"Nate, come on!" I whine.

When he still remains in the car, I march over to his door and fling it open. "If you don't get your little butt up and out of this car, I will drag you into this building."

Nate scoffs and shifts his glasses on his face. When I grabbed his elbow he quickly shakes me off.

"Fine." He sounds like a kid who was told no to getting candy at the grocery store. It is kind of adorable.

I smile triumphantly and latch onto his arm to guide us into the arcade.

The second we walk into the building the smell of popcorn and pizza knocks me off my feet as well as the sound of the pinball machine dinging. That's my game.

It didn't take long for a voice to say hello to Nate. Once we were seated at a high table, two boys came over to greet him. But they stop dead in their tracks when they see me.

"Nathaniel, are you aware that Kelly Henderson is next to you," a boy with puffy curly hair stage whispers. I hold back rolling my eyes and instead side eye Nate whom is fidgeting again.

"Yes, Trent, I am aware she is next me." The words sound as if Nate is gritting them out. I am not sure if it was meant in annoyance towards me or his friend.

"Okay, but why and how?"

I try not to scare off Trent anymore than my presence is apparently shocking the taller and skinner boy standing next to him. The guy's mouth is practically hitting the floor and quite frankly it is making me uncomfortable.

"Actually, we came together," I say bumping Nate's arm with mine. He shuffles, caught off guard. "Nate here wanted to kick my butt at the claw game but I told him to put his money where his mouth is."

It then dawns on me that I have no clue who these boys are. Clearly they go to our school because they were friends with Nate but I didn't know their names.

"I'm sorry, um, I'm Kelly, which ya'll seem to know already." I even have the audacity to look embarrassed. I extend my hand out to the boy Trent. He hesitates but eventually shakes it.

"I'm Trent and this is Gavin." We all turn to Gavin, the tall, gangly boy, and wait for him to say something. When his mouth still doesn't close nor did he look like he is breathing, Nate clears his throat and bends down to me.

"Gavin doesn't really talk to girls," he whispers into my ear. Shivers tingle down my ear to my neck at the feel of his breath so close to me.

"Hi," I say kind of breathy. "It's nice to meet you both."

I feel dumb for saying this because let's face it, we probably have been in the same grade growing up figuring our little North Carolina town is rather small. But it is true, I am just now actually meeting them.

Before any of the boys can say something, I stand back up. "I'm going to go buy some pizza? Would you two like to join us?"

Both of Nate's friends look at me oddly. Even Nate turned in my direction with a strange look on his face.

Trent is, of course, the one to answer. "Uh, yeah, sure, thanks."

I walk away before I can make a bigger fool out of myself. Wow am I out of my elemant. Before I can make my way to the counter to order the pizza, Nate calls my name. I walk back to him and know exactly what he is doing when his hand starts fumbling around in his back pocket.

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