Who Are You Really?

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Chapter One

Catarina's POV

My name is Catarina Joel, I'm 21 years old and I was born in Ontario, Canada. I moved to Portland, Oregon when I was 8 years old. My job is to scam people and take their money to my boss Mr.Gestula. That's right I'm a scam artist, I have been since I was 16. It was by accident really, I just got into a bad crowd. You ought to thank my ex best friend Brody for that, he was the one who brought me to Mr.Gestula because I had said that I needed a job to pay back my parents for the car that I had "accidentally" totaled.

I get a new scam every time I finish the old one. I just finished my last one two days ago on Friday so within the next day and a half I should get my next assignment. You see my last assignment was scamming this rich kid named Danny into giving me 3,000,000 dollars for my "surgery", what a suck up pretty boy he was. He was so annoying, all he ever did was try out pickup lines on me and he even slapped my a**! I slapped him back twice as hard thanks to my tai kwon do and weight classes, but he just grinned at me and said ,I like em feisty.

Anyways, Mr.Gestula just texted me the text said,

Hey babes tomorrow I'll be sending you to a place called Kansas City, KS. You'll be scamming a guy named Wes Stromberg, he's a...special person in that community that has a ton of money he never spends. He's 17 so don't worry about you not lookin good to him. Your curves will make him crave you more than that Danny kid from your last assignment.



Along with the text is a website to print out my plane ticket like usual. I run into my temporary office in my temporary hotel room to get onto my laptop to print out my ticket and the portfolio for this Wes guy. He's actually pretty cute, he has short reddish brown hair that is sometimes gelled up and spiky, his eyes are a brilliant green color with flecks of grey in them. His smile is more like a crooked white grin, and yet I find it oddly adorable, and his taste in clothes is actually sensible"for a guy at least".

I pack up my few possessions into my suitcase and carry-on bag and sit down on my bed scrolling through my tumblr. I have 13 new followers. They all think that my pictures and quotes are hilariously evil and demented. It's actually kind of true though, the stuff I usually post is like pictures of hilarious deaths and quotes from the funny fail videos I watch all the time. I look at my watch, it's 1:47 in the morning and my flight leaves at 4:00am. I have about 2 hours and 15 minutes, till I get on the plane to...Kansas.

2 Hours Later


I have 10 minutes until I can get on the plane and it feels like forever, it always does right before I begin another scam. My first scam was really hard, I had to scam this old man into giving me 1,000,000 dollars and I only had a day to do it. Oh how much fun that day was, at the time I had thought it was stupid and would get me killed. No it was nothing like I thought it would ever be.

"All people boarding the 4:00am flight please head over to gate D.", A lady says over the intercom system.

I grab my stuff and head to gate D, smiling because my scam has finally started. A man stops me at the entrance of the plane and asks for my id. I hand it to him knowing he would think it was real. You see, when your a scam artist like me you need multiple different aliases to get you places. This one says that my name is Carly Ochesky and that I'm 17 years old.

"Aren't you a little young to be traveling on your own miss?", he asks me bitterly handing me my card.

"No sir I am not.", I spit venomously giving him a hard glare, walking past him and heading to first class.

I sit down by the window and put my bags in the other two seats. I pull out my iPhone and earbuds turning on my favorite band Five Seconds Of Summer, listening to their sweet voices relaxes me and I am soon asleep in my chair dreaming of the money I'm gonna get from this scam.

I wake with a start only a few minutes later because someone is tapping on my shoulder. I open one eye to see a young girl looking at me curiously.

"What do you want?", i grumble pulling my earbuds out of my ears.

She giggles and turns around running to a different person and poking them before once again running away and giggling. I put my earbuds back in my ears and pull out my Divergent book because I can't fall back asleep. Slipping into the fantasy world of books I don't realize that the plane is landing until I hear a voice next to me saying,

"Excuse me mam but we will be on the ground in a few minutes so can you please fasten your seatbelt and get ready for ground contact?", the flight attendant Jessica exclaims exuberantly.

I roll my eyes at her as she walks away and fasten my seat belt, putting my book and phone with earbuds away in my carry-on. Like Jessica had said we landed on the ground a few minutes later and I looked out at the mix of fields and buildings around me.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated my other stories, I was just know able to log back onto my account. It accidentally logged off and I wasn't able to get back on, if you haven't read my other books please read them. They are called, A Movie In The Making & Adventures With The Seven. Ok byeeeeeeeeee!

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