Chapter Three

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After geometry we walk to art class and we find out that we are supposed to do a graffiti project with a partner for the next 2-3 weeks. Naturally everyone tries to ask me but Wes shoos them away and after a 10 minute argument we become partners. We come up with a brilliant idea for our project, we are going to be doing small intriquite ancient runes all around the city on buildings, sidewalks, and roofs. The best part of it is that it's all legal for the next 2-3 weeks.

Afterwards we head to the cafeteria for lunch, but instead of going into the lunch line Wes takes me to the back of the cafeteria where there is a new and somewhat healthy vending machine. I pull out my wallet and go to put a few dollars in the machine but Wes stops me.

"Uh uh uh, I'm paying sweetheart.", he says in a rather sexy voice.

I giggle and put my wallet away, letting him pay for my Izzie and granola bar. I look around for another friend and meet eyes with Sally. She flips me off and goes back to talking to some preppy cheerleaders. I roll my eyes and walk over to where I had seen Olive sitting with a pretty black girl in a purple t-shirt and jeans with a white jacket.

"Hey Claire!", Olive blabbers with pizza hanging out of her mouth like a tongue.

"Hi Olive who is this?", I ask eyeing the other girl suspiciously.

"Oh this is Yurhonness, but you can call her Yo-Yo.", Olive smiles like a mental patient.

"Hi there Claire!", Yo-Yo laughs as Wes makes funny faces at us, ending up looking like a constipated monkey.

"So...Wes how many friends do you have, I've seen at least 20-30 since I got here.", I ask casually.

"Doll there's plenty more for you to meet, but first I'm gonna go throw away this trash then I'll be back to show you something ok?", he whispers seductively in my ear making me shiver slightly.

"He totally likes you!", Olive screeches as Wes walks away.

"Do you really think so?", I ask in a truly bashful kind of way.

I was actually kind of hoping he would like me, not only because of the money riding on this but because he seems like a great guy. That is so weird this has NEVER happened before. It's so wrong and evil to actually find him cute and try to scam him at the same time.

"Mhmm.", Yo-Yo nods and looks at where Wes is talking to Sally frowning.

"Is it just me or is she just a up tight little whore with a thing for Wes?", I mumble to the girls.

"Oh she's been like that since Wes moved here in 8th grade.", Olive explains quietly as Wes walks back to the table.

He holds out his hand and I take it standing up and glancing at Sally before looking back at Wes and walking out of the cafeteria. We walk down a series of hallways and come to a set of stairs leading out into an amazing looking small garden area. Wes leads me over to a corner next to a fountain.

"Hey Claire, the spring formal is next week I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? I know it's your first day but I feel like I've known you longer. If you say no that's ok though.", he says super fast.

"Of course I will.", I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck and planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"Awesome!", he bellowed hugging me tightly and twirling me around in circles.

We walked hand in hand to our next class, biology. We entered the class and immediately I recognized 4 people sitting with one person I didn't recognize, Xan, Callista, Allison, Eileen, and a girl I hadn't met yet. Callista waved us over and I sat down next to her at the table, pulling Wes with me.

"I can guess who asked you to the dance!", Xan said excitedly.

I giggle and look at Wes, he smiles at me and wraps an arm around my waist pulling me close to him and burying his face into my shoulder stifling a laugh as Sally walked in sat down and this really funny looking kid came and sat next to her talking about how her eyes looked like a river and how her nose was perfect for her face. She looked at him absolutely disgusted and glared at Wes and I like we had sent him over there ourselves.

"Freaky Fin has liked Sally since the beginning of the year, she hates him.", Wes bubbles as Allison recounts a story of last weekend and how she had gotten in trouble for sleeping with her boyfriend, just sleeping no sexual contact.

My mouth forms into an 0 as I look at Freaky Fin, I suddenly get an idea. I get up and walk over to Sally.

"Hey how's the boy toy, I know you like him.", I ask loud enough for everyone to hear motioning toward Freaky Fin.

His eyes widen and he looks at Sally in a obsessed lover kind of way.

"Do you really?", he says trying to sound sexy but he couldn't pull it off like Wes could.

Sally glares at me with such hatred I almost laugh, she looks constipated when she glares that hard. I walk back over to my friends and we all burst out laughing, Xan falls onto the floor and looks like she is having a seizure. Wes pulls me onto his lap and I giggle trying to squirm out of his hold. The teacher enters the classroom and sits at her desk, she looks us all over and then stops on me.

"You must be Claire am I correct?", she chortles in a horrible raspy voice.

I nod my head slightly and slide off of Wes's lap into my chair.

"Ok class, today we are doing the questions on page 74 in our text books with a partner.", the teacher rasps.

I grab Wes's hand and he gives me a"Ok"look, understanding my silent question. I open my text book and flip through it till I get to page 74. This stuff is too easy, I grab Wes and I's papers and quickly write down the answers and turn the papers in to the teacher.

"Your a smart one aren't you?", she asks eyeing me up and down.

"Yes ma'am.", I whisper heading back to my seat.

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