Chapter Eight

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Wes's POV

-------------------------------Later That Night Back At The House----------------------------------

I can't believe Claire was in on Xan's prank, she was such a little genius. That's part of the reason why I love her, and her personality is perfect. She's kind, loving, caring, nice, friendly, and best of all, she likes me for me not my money. She doesn't even know about the money my brother and I have from when we were singers back when we were 8 years old. I'm glad she doesn't.

"What's up babe?", Claire says quietly looking me in the eye and snuggling up into my side on the couch.

"Nothin, just thinking about how beautiful you are.", I smirk watching the red blush crawl up her cheeks.

"Your too sweet Wes I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. By the way, are we technically dating? I mean you never asked me, I just assumed that we were friends with benefits.", she asks shyly reminding me of her first day at school.

"Do you like me that way?", I mumble looking down at my feet.

She crawls up onto my lap facing me and smiling slyly.

"If I didn't would I be here right now?", she questions me playing with the hem of my boxers.

I shudder and her smirk enlarges, she places her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek lightly. Trailing kisses all the way down to my collar bone and stops looking up at me before pulling my shirt off and starts tracing my pectorals.

" girl...friend.", I pant loudly as her finger traces my V.

"Of course I will, now let's go to bed.", she yawns getting up off of me and heading to her separate room.

"Where are you going?", I ask her.

"To my room to sleep, or would you rather me sleep in your room?", she smiles slightly.

I nod my head and get up pulling her into my room and into bed. She runs into the bathroom and brushes her teeth, she comes out humming the song that Drew Keaton and I had written together. She leaps onto the bed and turns my lamp off, I put my arms around her for warmth.

"I love you Wes.", she whispers so faintly I almost don't hear it.

"I love you too Claire!", I murmur excitedly.

------------------------------------------Catarina's POV-----------------------------------------------

"I love you Wes.", I whisper under my breath so he couldn't hear me, but of course he did hear me.

"I love you too Claire.", he murmurs a little too excitedly.

I bury my face in his chest and I become consumed by dreams or should I say nightmares of hurting Wes and my friends from school like Kylie, Austin, and Eileen. I wake up in a cold sweat pushing the covers off of me and running into the bathroom. I turn the light on looking at myself in the mirror, my hair is somewhat messy so I comb it and sit down on the edge of the bathtub. I start to think about painting my nails so I look under the sink where I had put my black and white nail polishes.

"Which one?", I mutter to myself looking back and forth between my polishes, I finally pick the black one and do my finger and toe nails.

After they're dry I pad back into the room silently and lay back down next to Wes, he says something in his sleep but I don't understand it so I cuddle up next to him taking in his warmth. I can't fall asleep so my mind starts to wander, eventually I start to think about Brody and Mr.Gestula. I cringe slightly looking over at Wes, I'm in love with the guy that I'm supposed to be scamming. How wrong can that get, I mean I'm trying to take his money which he hasn't mentioned yet and at the same time I am saying that I love him.

I didn't sleep at all that night, when it comes time to get up I walk into the kitchen and pull out a bowl for some cereal.

"Hey.", Wes says kissing my ear as he embraces me from behind.

"Hey.", I laugh turning around and giving him a proper hug.

"What's for breakfast?", he smiles looking at the stove.

"Cereal.", I state simply.

"How about something from McD's?", he shrugs looking at my empty cereal bowl.

"Fine.", I sigh running into my room changing into a pair of denim Daisy Dukes and a Peace Tea logo shirt.

I walk out to see Wes on the phone with his brother. He's smiling so it must be good news, I think to myself.

"Hey babe is it ok if Keaton, Callista, Drew, and Xan join us at McD's?", he asks putting his hand over the receiver and making a puppy face.

I give in and nod blowing him a kiss really quick before grabbing my purse and shoes, I sit down on the couch to wait for Wes to get off the phone. Once he hangs up he grabs my hand pulling me up and out the door. We get into his truck and head out towards the McDonalds in town, after about 10 minutes we arrive and wait for the others. We head in and sit down at a booth big enough for all of us to fit, when we were all situated we get up to order.

"I'll have two mcgriddles, an orange juice, and a hash brown please.", I say politely to the tired looking blonde girl behind the counter.

"SAME!!", everyone else bellows behind me.

"Sorry about them, their crazy.", I apologize to the girl who had cringed at their loud voices, handing her the money for the food we go and sit back down.

A few minutes later they call out the order and I head up to the register, while I grab the food I slip the girl a twenty dollar bill.

"Thank you!", she smiles kindly.

"FOOD!", the boys yell digging into their breakfast as soon as it was placed in front of them.

"Slow down or else you'll choke!", I exclaim as Wes practically inhales his hash brown, I didn't know that he could eat like that.

Mhmmhisgud!", he says with a full mouth.

Xan makes a disgusted sound and continues nibbling on her mcgriddle like Callista and I. When everyone is done we start spitballing ideas on what to do next, it is Saturday after all.

"What about going to the park to roller blade?", Xan's asks all of us.

"One problem, I don't have any roller blades.", I say sadistically.

"Oh right, uh what about going to the movies?", she states slurping up the last of her orange juice.

"Perfect!", I shriek causing an elderly couple to shush us.

"Ok, but what movie?", Drew says curious.

"Well there's Godzilla, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Earth To Echo, Lucy, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and X-Men Days Of Futures Past.", Callista mutters looking at the list on her phone.

"Lucy!", I squeal looking at the guys pleadingly.

"Whatever.", they all groan getting up and tossing our trash into the bin.

We're off to see Lucy, The wonderful new movie.(Sings it like were off to see the wizard awkwardly)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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