Chapter Six

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Catarina's POV

The dance ends and we head to the limo getting ready for the after party, some of the girls pull out clothing bags and change out of their floor length dresses and put on mini skirts and crop tops in their places. This party ought to be fun, this party is probably gonna have booze and sex. I'm in sooooo much trouble, this isn't going to end well.

The limo stops in front of a large house and we all get out walking to the open double doors, as we enter a man in a butler uniform appears and takes us into a large room already half full of people talking laughing and making out. There is one completely empty couch in the corner, we head over to it and sit down relaxing and waiting for the after party to officially start. A guy walks into the room closing the doors behind him.

"Hi everyone, I am happy to be holding the official after party here at my place but please follow these rules,

1.Do not touch anything that looks fragile or valuable.

2.No one is allowed in my study

3.No sex in my bedroom, or STUDY", he says the last one very seriously.

Wes and I laugh and get up heading out of the large room and into a small guest bedroom. I close the door and sit down on the bed next to Wes. We hear kids outside running laughing and kissing, it's so weird it's like a dream. Wes leans over and whispers in my ear,

"Let's finish what we started shall we?".

He puts his hand on the sides of my thighs and pulls me on top of him as he lays back onto the bed. I pull his suit coat off and start unbuttoning his shirt slowly smirking at his expression. He takes his hands off my thighs and puts them on my lower back, I finish unbuttoning his shirt and pull it off. I'm thankful that I had kicked off my heels when we sat down, I lowered my hands to the zipper on his pants. I pull at the zipper teasingly causing his breath to hitch, he looks at me and smirks taking his hands off my back and instead on my a**. I squirm a little causing his smirk to get bigger, he rolls on top of me the smirk still plastered to his face.

"We're just messing around right, we're not gonna have sex you know that right?", he asks me seriously.

"Of course, I'm not ready for sex yet I'm only 17.", I laugh my breath turning into short pants as he kisses from my jaw to my lips sweetly.

I get up and put my heels back on unlocking the door when I hear a soft giggle, I stop and look at Wes. He had heard it as well, I sit on the bed and make a moaning sound Wes immediately smiles and sits down next to me. He grabs a pillow case and rips the fabric.

"My dress!", I fake half gasp half moan silently laughing at his brilliance.

"It's just a dress bae.", he groans as I bounce on the bed motioning for him to continue.

"Your so perfect Claire, your curves are unbelievable and your skin is a soft as your kiss.", he smirks making me stop bouncing and start blushing.

"Really?", I ask huffing and pretty much sounding like a flustered not so virgin.

"Yep.", he states simply, motioning for me to go over and open the door.

As I do I yell gotcha really loud while Callista, Xan, Drew, and Keaton tumble to the floor in the room.

"You little eavesdroppers!", I screech sitting on top of the pile of teens.

"We're sorry!", they all scream pushing me off and running away.

"How about a game of hide and go seek?", I laugh deviously looking at the retreating figures of my friends.

Wes nods closes his eyes and starts counting, I quickly look for one of my friends finding Callista and telling her to find the others for a game of hide and go seek. I run off down a small hallway and I soon realize how big this place actually is, I see a flight of stairs with a sign next to it and it says that the house/mansion we are currently in has almost 20 more floors underground. I look around and see no one so I take my heels of and practically fly down the stairs. I keep going until I am on a floor with a home theatre and hide behind the popcorn machine, I look around until I see another person creeping into the room.

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